Undertale Riverperson - A Ferryperson's Rhyme

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Down the river we shall go
That connects the lands of water, heat, and snow
Your journey awaits
From beyond these banks
In which your journey comes

Your tale shall be told
Your fate you must mold
Into the person you want to become

Different monsters and humans before
I met each among these very shores
Never to speak one word
Until they needed to learn

I give you advice
On each of these rides
To ensure that you'll be alright

Just a humble Riverperson I am
Helping travelers across this land
The waves gently move us each path
Will you be the hero or unleash your bitter wrath

Its your choice alone
I have no power over the path you sew
A shadow amongst them
To you I speak my friend

Never lose your hope
Help the souls down bellow
To finally reach peace
Let your Determination never cease

Different paths you may take
Your fate you must make
But never to be tampered by my soul

Just a watcher among them all
I watch them rise and their fall
You control it all so be very wise
I see a pair of unseen eyes

We finally are here
Our time is done I fear
Now journey ahead
Enough is said
From this lone river soul  

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