Creepypasta OC Songbird: Songbirds Aria

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(((Hey guys this is another old poem and OC that I may never use again since its been so long. So guys enjoy the poems of the past. Let me know if I should reboot her. Enjoy!)))

What can't be heard is never lost
Only ones with souls can hear
A broken aria with a cost
Reciting a tragedy and fear

A songbirds silent call echos through the midnight
Such a harmonious and beautiful song
Catches attention even of the creatures of the night
Tells the tale of a terrible wrong

Stories and tales created from a lifetime
Filled with fear and love
Words woven into rhyme
Delicately like the wings of a dove

Others jealous and filled with greed
Never appreciated her work
Anothers love given in a time of need
But predators in the shadows still lurk

​​​​A forbidden love that could never be
No matter how they tried
Even when the bird was free
The inevitable left her to cry

Taunts and misfortunes from the past clouded her mind
Memories of departure of a mother not her own
Friends she could never find
Which left her all alone

Insanity and vengence consumed her soul
She painted the walls with blood
Lost all control
The bodies fell to the ground with a thud

She still mourns a single death
Left to wander
Reliving her lovers final breath
Travels an infinte yonder

Singing her broken song for those to hear
Reciting all alone
Most are left to scream in fear
While others are left to ponder the tragic tone

Once caged and now free
A songbird left to fly
For all those to see
A aerial display in the sky

Bringer of death a role not wanted
Fell upon her
But fate had decided
She took the name of Songbird  

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