Personal - Kindness Between Worlds

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  Once was a little bird
That sung a beautiful tone for all that heard
That flew with beauty and grace
Troubles it never had to face 

Until one day it was struck by a flash
Into the earth it crashed
It's wings broken from the fall
It lied there singing it's aria like call

Until a kind soul born from earth heard it's cries
It looked down upon the poor creature of the skies
It took it in and mended to its wings
Each day for the soul the little bird would sing

A bond was made between the two as time passed
A bond between one of earth and another of sky that would last
The day came where the wings of the little bird were renewed
Soon they could go back to the skies the soul knew

But the little bird refused to leave them
Not after the help of their new friend
The memories they shared and things they've done
It had given each one's heart love

By that day forth the one of sky and earth never left the others side
No matter the difference between their kinds
The two beings were forever bound
Thanks to the kindness and harmonious sound  

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