Reapertale - Dancing in Purgatory

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  A deathly crow and pure white dove
That came from world heavenly above
One hidden from sight for the other to find
Their friendship would take much time

A deathly touch and lively soul
Of each other they had not known
Of their paths intertwining
And to see a silver lining
That both held to share
A love that no fate could tear

Upon one day death creeped upon
Life's beautiful garden and her song
Listening to the simple harmony
He opened his eyes and could finally see

The beauty that held to life
That pushed away the inner strife
That he's seen throughout all these years
Pushed away all the pain and fear

Held behind a masked disguise
That hid his feelings from her her eyes
Decided to come to where she stood
His face hidden by his hood

And from there he spoke

Maiden of life I've come to thee
To your hidden sanctuary, where you want be free
Of the stress of the rest
The memory that has left you in distress

Can we have a chat and I shall not say a word
Of your Elysium closed off from the world
Hidden from your old loves eyes
You have my word and I shall not lie

Life looked into deaths eyes with curiousity
Also hold back her own internal fury
Should she befriend such a stranger
And they both extremely differ

Life and death meet only on few occasions
But since that day they come to a decsion
Maybe they could come to a compromise
No more conflicts and no more lies

They both decide to take a chance
They soon took hands and begun their dance
The dance between life and death
Only seen by the souls that breathe their final breaths  

Fandom PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon