Chapter 2 Blake the last Elf

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"Blake...Blake....BLAKE"! His eyes open to a sunny sky as he lays in a field of flowers. He sits up and looks at her. "Lily! What are you doing here? You are supposed to be at the village being out here is dangerous!" Lily smiled "I wanted to see you silly." She has so much love in her heart. "Well what if a "human" sees you?" Lily replies "Well then.. why are you here then?" Blake smiles proudly "I'm on a mission,  duh." Suddenly he senses something so he stands up, looks around, and puts his hood on.

"We are being watched." "What?!" "Hush." Then the Sky is fills with darkness. "Lily run to the village I'll take care of this, warn them hurry!" Lily runs towards the village. Something comes running towards him as Lily is running away, Blake will protect her from the creature. It is a perademon, the most horrible monster known to this land. Blake springs into action running towards it with great speed. He leaps into the air, grabs his bow from his back and summons arrows. He is using Nature Arrows that rumbled the earth, roots sprouted from the ground, and pierce the perademons heart which kills them. Blake lands on his feet as the dead demon lay behind him.

   Blake smells something. "smoke! No!! This was a diversion!" He ran so fast and it wasn't long before he got to the village. There was fire everywhere he could not believe what he was seeing. He heard people screaming, babies crying, and he could do nothing to stop it. He ran to through the village trying to kill as many demons as possible but their was too many. Then he saw Lily.

"N...No!!!!! Take your hands off her!!!" Standing before him was the Queen of perademons Nethera. She had Lily grasped within her hands crushing her skull and killing her. Blake falls to his knees and goes into shock. "What have you done you bastard!!!!!" His face was filled with rage but he was weak cause of his emotions. Nethera drops Lily to the ground. About this time everyone is dead. Nethera bolts towards him, Blake tries to dodge her but is punched in the stomach sending him crashing into a tree.

"Listen here boy it seems your the last one left, I'll spare your life, I wouldn't want to kill such a handsome elf now do I, but, I'll give you something to remember this day." She takes out what looks like a marble and shoves it in his right eye. Blake screams in pain. His green eye will remind him of the regret he has for not being able to save his village, His new red eye is a curse that if he ever kiss a girl and fell in love with her he would die. She laughs "You'll never be able to love again."

Blake passes out and is left unconscious, All the perademons depart and suddenly a loud howl can be heard through the trees. It came from a wolf but not just any wolf, a silver wolf and a girl riding the silver wolf. She rushed through the ruins of the burned down village. She starts to set up camp and then she hears Blake's voice "Hey! who are you and why are you in this sacred forest?!" The girl responds"!Doesn't look like a forest to me." Blake looks around he sees what was only seen in nightmares, tears fill his eyes. " I must go get help must" Blake is too weak to stand and crashes to the floor. "Don't try to walk you're injured." "I have to walk, I have to cause..." trying to stand again then falls to the floor again. She helps him up, carries him to her campfire and sets him down to warm up. She gathers herbs to make a healing tonic for Blake to drink.

"Thanks by the way I'm Prince Blake Johnson of the sacred elf forest." "Pleasure to make your acquaintance Blake, I'm Stephanie The silver wolf." "Silver wolf? you don't-" then he's cut of when he sees Stephanie transform into a silver wolf. "See". "Oh sorry hehehe"." But then who is that?" Blake points to the silver wolf laying by the campfire. "Oh that's James my older brother." Then James transforms to a human. "Hello Blake." "Hi."

    "So what's you Business here Stephanie?" Stephanie hands Blake the herbal tonic. "Drink this, My brother and I are on our way to a ball at the Sky Kingdom. We were hired as bodyguards for Princess Natalie Dragneel the Fire Dragon Shifter". Blake has never heard of this ball or Princess Natalie Dragoneel but he was interested. " May I accompany you to the ball? I feel much better, thank you." "Actually, we were looking for a bodyguard for Princess Lana Oceanania the Water Dragon Shifter." Blake thought that was a beautiful name. But then he realized he can't fall in love or he'll die. "I'll do it".

    "Perfect we should be on are way". James and Stephanie transform into wolves and Blake rode on James. Blake daydreams about Princess Lana and what she was like?

    Meanwhile at the laboratory of Science and Technology...

   "I have finally done it the cure to the Ember disease." He dropped the vial on his arm. The strange liquid burned his arm. "Ahhhhh it burns!" He fell over screaming in pain. He grabbed a cloth and wrapped it around his shoulder to cut of the circulation of the elixir that had fell on his arm. His arm changed from human to Dragon and then the changing has stopped. His sea blue eyes have turned blood red but only in his left eye." No!!!! My research it was a fraud".

    "Doctor prometheus, the Sky Dragon Ball is in two days will you be attending?" A lady says at the entrance way of the door. "Oh I'll be there but not to dance Muahahahahaha!"

To be continued......

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