Chapter 6 Lost Elf

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   ~at central city~

   This girl was a mystery, Shard was a mystery. She had brown hair and wore a pink shirt with yellow rings on it. She also had purple eyes and held a blue bow. She had no friends she's very shy. And she doesn't stay in one place ether. She walks into a bakery. "Ring..."the little bell on the door made that sound . The worker has seen her their before it was written on his face. "Hello valued customer what will it be?" He has a pleasant grin on his face. "I..I'll have a cupcake please." Coming right up."

She walked out of the bakery with a strawberry cupcake in her hand. She never had parents she's been a orphan her whole life. Her parents abandoned her when she was young. She might have an older brother but her orphanage never told her about her parents. All she knows is that her last name is Johnson but she never uses it she likes to be called Shard.

    ~meanwhile at the Sky Kingdom~

    "Ok we are ready to go." Lana screams. We were just were about to leave the city when. "Hey Natalie Wait!" A familiar voice was coming from behind me. It was Kai! "Kai what are you doing?!" "I just wanted to ask you if I can come with you on your journey?" He asked. "I don't know Kai it could be dangerous." "I don't care what it takes I want some adventure in my life plus I can take care of myself." Kai was doing puppy dog eyes at me I just couldn't say no. "Fine but I'm not saving your butt." "Yahhhhhh Adventure time!" We all laugh.

We make are way to central city, it was huge with tall buildings and many people. It might be hard to find Shard here. "Do you think we should split up cover more ground." I asked. "Yah that might be the best choice." Blake says. So we split up into two groups. Natalie, Stephanie, Lana, and Blake were in group 1. Matthew, Ryan, Kai and Zack were in group 2.

"So meet up at that building over there at the end of the day. Group 1 went to check some of the bakery and shops. When Group 2 went to ask people around if they've seen her. They were looking in stores and restaurants to. They looked for hours and hours until Natalie found this Bakery. Natalie walks into the bakery's the little bell on the door rings. "Hello new customer, What brings you to my bakery?" The worker at the desk asks. "We're here to look for someone her name is Shard supposedly a elf we need help locating her."

"Why yes I've seen Shard she was here this morning to buy a cupcake; she travels a lot so she might be at the time square by now, I've memorized her schedule." I was amazed at the information he gave use. "Thank you some much for the information, if we find her we'll make sure to buy a cupcake but we're in a rush, bye." We then left the store now we have a lead on her at lest we know she's here.

~meanwhile with group 2~

    "Ok where do we look again?" Kai Questions. "We ask people around Kai." Matthew answered. They asked many people but no one seems to know her. "let's see what about her?" Kai walked up to a girl, she was very shy. "Hey have you seen this girl Shard she has pointy ears." Kai asked. "U-Um yes I saw her she was heading to the time square, but she looked like she was being followed." Kai had a big grin on his face. "Thank you so much!" He said while shacking her had. Her face was really red. Zack flew up high to see from above. Ryan was looking through shadows.

We meet at time Square all of us. We see her she was sitting on a bench eating her cupcake. Their was someone sneaking up behind her with a knife! "Shard look out!" Blake screamed. She look at Blake his face turned red. He runs to her, the man comes up from behind ready to stab her. Blake jumps and tackles the man saving Shard.

    "Oh my goodness are you ok?" She say then sees she has the same ears as him.

    ~Flash Back~

    "Blake your going to have a little sister." "Ah so cool can't wait to see her." Blake says with excitement. Shard looks into his eyes. She gets taken away by someone she was to young to know what's going on. As she hears Blake calling out to her.

~End of Flash Back~

"Big brother?" Shard says. Then Blake got pushed back hitting the tree. As the man was about to stab Blake Shard blocks his way. "Don't hurt my big brother!" Blake's eyes widened. " Daisy?!" Blake said. We all were surprised. Then Lana wrapped the man in chains made out of water." Your not going anywhere."

We took the man to jail he apparently was a cereal killer known to this city he prays on helpless girls or children. He was sentenced to 50 years in prison. Then we left the police station. "Dai- I mean Shard where have you been all these years?" Blake wondered. "I've been a orphan my whole life I only had one memory of you that's how I remember." "Aw how cute looks like we have a addition to the team!" We all were very happy about their reunion. We then went to the bakery and bought a cupcake like we said. And stayed in a hotel over night. The rooms were big so we had to share a room. I was talking to Ryan he was very quiet the entire trip here. "Hey Ryan are you ok?" I ask. "Yes I'm ok I just don't trust Wizards especially Matthew." He answered. "You can trust Matthew he's are friend." "I will never trust a Wizard ever again ever since that day." He said in a sad tone. "What day?" "The day I lost my emotions." My eyes widened. "I was only 7 and I had a little sister she was only 4; me and my family were out camping and we were attacked bye Wizards." I never knew he had a sister. "The killed my little sister and my dragon eye came early and killed the wizards." My eyes widened that's why I never knew he had a sister. "I was never able to feel emotions from that day on until I met you Natalie." I start to blush. "Your Maroon hair your red eyes it made me feel emotions again thank you." He said in a soft voice then hugging me, I hugged him back. "Your welcome Ryan." I said.

    ~Time skip to morning~

    It was time to head back to the Sky Kingdom. Can't wait to see what mission he'll give us now? I wonder how the other group was doing?

~To be continued~

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