Chapter 7 The Giants Domain

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    ~meanwhile back at the Sky Kingdom before the other group went on their mission~

"Roy, Tyler, Erthena, Calvin, Alexandrite, James, Stella, and Anthony, you will go on the other mission a rescue mission."" You will rescue Kiku Rose one of the greatest Zen warriors, he has been captured by the giants and held at the Giants Domain."

    The group was preparing for their trip. First they would go to the Zen Kingdom to get some information, then would sneak into the Domain and rescue Kiku. "Heyyyy baby let me get your number girl." Roy said trying to hit on Stella. "No Roy I'm not interested." "Anthony was very quiet he just smiled at the two. Erthena was very friendly she loved to dance in the rain, she found it very calm and peaceful. Tyler was very sketchy considering he was a vampire but be was trusting.

    ~meanwhile at Giants Domain~

    "Tell us, where is the sacred deer!" The giant yelled punching Kiku as he was chained up to the wall. "Your never find her the sacred deer is hidden where you can't find her!" He said then laughing.

    ~back to the gate of the Sky Kingdom~

   They were ready to leave to the Kingdom to go on their journey. Roy kept trying to hit on Stella and Erthena but they ignored him. "Roy if you want to get the girls you have to be a gentleman," Alex advised him. Then Alex walked up to Stella and kneeled down and gave her some roses." Alex, I'm gay." Stella said shutting Alex down, he felt so embarrassed because Roy was laughing so hard at him. "Hahaha wow Alex great chivalry aHahahaha." Roy said still laughing like a hyena.

They were almost at the Kingdom but first they have to cross a bridge. The bridge was covered in moss, vines, and flowers. Anthony was very interested in this floral bridge." It's beautiful, I wonder what the Kingdom is like?" He wondered. They walked across the floral bridge.

Anthony felt so much at home he then transformed into his dragon form. His dragon for was a lung, lung Dragons are extremely rare and are majestic creatures. His form had two horns that looked like tree branches and had long green fur the go's all the way down his back to his tail. And had emerald eyes with two long peace's of black hair that kinda looked like a mustache. He had four legs too.

"Wow your a....a lung?!" Alex said surprised. "Lungs are extremely rare!" He shouted again. They stopped at the gate witch was very large. "Who are you, why are you here?!" A man on top of the gate said. "We are here to save your prince "Kiku"!" Anthony answered. "We are the dragon Shifters!" Erthena then said. They opened the gates and let us in.

The Kingdom was beautiful their was greenery everywhere and so many flowers and trees of all shapes and sizes. But there was one tree that stood out like sore thumb. It was the biggest Sakura tree that he's ever seen. It was taller then all the buildings.

"Follow me." The man said. He took us near the tree, then Anthony got a glimpse of a bright green deer it was leaping through the branches of the big Sakura tree. He then transformed back into human. "Was that a deer?" Anthony asked the man. "You can see the sacred Deer?!" The mad yelled with confusion. "Only people that have embraced the nature can see him," The man then said. "But I have embraced the nature it's precious to me." Anthony then answered.

They arrived at the Great Sakura Tree but it was no ordinary Sakura Tree, it was alive. He spoke to them about what happened to their Rose prince. "Kiku was out scouting and was attacked by giants, the giants have been searching for are sacred Deer that can grant eternal life." The Tree spoke with a very old and raspy voice.

"Don't worry mister Sakura Tree we'll get your prince back easily." Roy said without a care in the world. Then they walked towards the gate to rescue the prince. "Roy we must think this through, how are we going to be able to fight these giants, there giants for Pete's sake!" Jame said to Roy. "We'll sneak in, of course." Tyler said giving Roy a fist bump. "We'll have to ack fast," said Stella.

Then they headed towards the Giants Domain, it was a huge domain of course. It had rectangular shaped building that were gray and glumly, honestly it was depressing. They successfully infiltrated the domain unseen. They started to head towards the prison building very stealthy. They herd screaming and crying coming from inside. "This place is scary." Said Erthena. "It's ok Erthena I got your back." Said Calvin witch calmed Erthena down.

They entered the building and started walking by cells of prisoners. They all had cuts and bruises, they've been beaten up by the giants. Then they saw a guard. "O-oh hello there is there something I can help you with?" The Giant had a sweet and calm voice he wasn't as tall as the others. "Um yes can you help us find Kiku Rose we would like to see him?" Anthony asked the friendly giant. He then smiled and said sure.

    "I shouldn't be showing you guys this because my boss needs him for something, he needs help he's hurt and I hate this stupid job." The giant said." Um what's your name, I'm Stella the one in green is Anthony, and the vampire is Tyler the werewolf  is James, and the one in red is Alexandrite the one in blue is Roy also the one standing next to the one in brown is Calvin and finally the one in brown is Erthena." Stella told him. "Oh what great names mine is Koty, yay friends." He said with a sweet smile on his face.

    Koty let them in the cell were they saw Kiku chained up to a wall with cuts and bruises just like the other cell mates. Erthena eyes widened at the horrific sight she put both her hand on her mouth in shock, she then gave Calvin a hug crying into her shoulder. "Erthena he's not dead it's ok." Calvin said to try and calm her down. But he wasn't dead he was just unconscious. Roy was able to freeze the chains and braking them and caring Kiku on his shoulder. Koty then picked them all up and put them in his pocket.

Koty then ran as fast as he could he ran past the other guards and the cells. He then was outside their were sirens going of and red lights everywhere. All he could do is run, luckily the front gate was open. He ran out of the town he knew and used to love, and when he was in the clear he caught his breath. "I did it I left that town now I must go to the Zen Kingdom, it's not that far I'll get there before morning." Koty said before running off.

When he made it to the floral bridge he took everyone out of his pocket. "I made it to the bridge I hope I was able to help?" Koty said before he started walking off with his head down. Koty risked ever going back to his home just to save Kiku. Kiku started to open his eyes. "No Koty Wait!" Kiku ordered. Koty then turned around to look and a standing Kiku. "Koty stay I Prince Kiku Rose have dubbed you the guard of the Floral Bridge." Kiku said to Koty. Koty started to sob out of joy. "Do you really mean it, I won't let you down boss." Koty said with a salute.

They all crossed the bridge and entered the Kingdom, Kiku explained to the Sakura tree that Koty is a friend and that he would guard the bridge. Everything went back to normal for that lovely Kingdom. "I hope we could visit again these flower crowns are gorgeous." Erthena Said as they were leaving town. They waved to Koty as they were leaving to go back to the Sky Kingdom.

~to be continued~

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