Chapter 8 Not a Hero Much Part 1

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   We all met at the Sky Kingdom when the mission is done, we walk into the main room where the ball took place. There was this vial of dust it was a strange rainbow color and it seems there's one for each of the dragon Shifters.

   "Welcome back from your mission I hope your all well, you all have proven to be acceptable Dragon Shifters and Bodyguards" he then had the Shifters come up to the stage , "pick a vial wisely this is the substance Flux Dust it can change into a weapon of choice but it stays that weapon for life". The Sky Dragon said.

   We all went up and picked a vial, I imagined a flaming sword that was long and had a curve to it so it can cut better. My wish came true and the Flux Dust magically spun out of the vial and shaped into the weapon I imagined. The others started getting their weapons too. Anthony had something that looked like a rope but it was a vine wipe, it was covered in leaves and vines and it can summon plants.

   Erthena had a brown umbrella that had a sharp tip to it and can summon a force field. Alexandrite had a weapon similar to mine but it was able to melt any type of metal. Roy's weapon was a ax that can freeze whatever it touches. Lana's weapon wasn't even a weapon it was a necklace, that hade a sapphire in a shape of a teardrop that I guess can control water of any mass or temperature. And finally Ryan's weapon was a staff with a end that looked like a single Dragons claw, with a orb in the middle that can produce plasma.

    We were all amazed with are weapons and happy too. "Now for your progress in training you will have a week of vacation or a break, you can you use this time to test your weapons out." We all were practically jumping with joy. "Hey freeze.... cause Roy is here." Roy made a weapon pun... a weapon pun!

    All the others went to a fancy party for this vacation/break, I never liked parties so I didn't go. I just stayed in my room and read my book about ancient relics. We all were staying at the castle so we had rooms custom made. My rooms walls were red and a red, yellow, and orange bed. The room felt warm and cosy witch I like.

    Until hear a knock on the door. I get up of the bed and walk towards the door. I slowly turn the door nob to see Ryan standing in front of me. "Hey Ryan what are you doing here?" I ask "oh I w...was wondering if wanted to go on a picnic?" He ask very shyly. "Sure Ryan I would love too" I say with a cute smile on my face. "Where's Zach?" I then ask "oh he's sleeping on a cloud." We start to head down to a open field of grass.

    We sat down on the grass the view was absolutely beautiful. I started getting drowsy so I laid my head on Ryan's shoulder he was slightly taller than me. He started to blush it was kinda cute I a mean what am I saying he's just my friend I can't be falling for him, get those thoughts out of you head. "Wa what are you doing N...Natalie?" He stutters. "I'm a bit tired that's all."

    As I start to doze of it was calm and peaceful. I felt safe and warm resting my head on his shoulder. It brings me back to those memories.


    I was visiting my friend Anthony he always had beautiful gardens full of flowers and plants. I've arrived at Anthony's house. I go running out of the carriage and run into the back garden. I see Anthony sitting on a bench petting a wight bunny. "Oh Natalie I didn't see you there how have you been?" He was always patient with his words and the people he talked to. "I'm doing well how's the garden is it growing good?" I respond.

   He would always have the sweetest smile. He was my only friend and my best friend. He wasn't being my friend because someone told him to he's my friend because of who I am. That's why over time I've grew feelings feelings that I didn't understand. And I don't think ever will.

    ~End FlashBack~

    ~meanwhile at the party~

    Blake and Lana were testing out Lana's necklace. "Now let's see oh why don't you try evaporated water?" Blake asked "oooooo that's a good one then that's controlling wind and air." Lana that spreads out her hand to concentrate on the air around her. She then grew a smile on her face and Blake gets smacked in the face but a unknown object. "What in the world was that Hey Lana that's not far!" Blake didn't get it at first but then got it. They both Laughed until Blake started it blush.

    Then Blake's Red eye lights up to where his pupil turned it's shape into a heart. "Blake your eye!" Lana yelled she was able to shape some water to make a mirror that showed Blake's reflection. "What's happening to my eye!" Blake was shocked at what happened then he realized Nethera told him not to fall in love. Blake then turned to see a couple walking on the sidewalk holding hands. Blake then could see a string a red string. "Hey Lana do see that?" "Do you mean the couple walking?" "No no no no the red string it's attached to their fingers." Lana's eyes then widened she knows what he can see.

"Hey sugar you looking fine tonight." Roy then flirted to another girl at the part. "Back of frog." The girl then pushed Roy away leaving him heart broken. "Don't worry Roy you'll get them next time." Tyler try's to encourage Roy. "No fear Roy is here and he'll never give up I'll find the one I know I will, it's a diamond in the rough." Roy then says.

Erthena and Calvin were surprisingly at the party too. They only drank punch and chatted. Stephanie and James were have a brother and sister conversation. While Alex tried repeatedly to ask Stella out but turn him down every time. Matthew was trying to fit in with the others concreting he's a wizard. Him and Kai were starting to conversant with each other too.

~meanwhile at picnic~

The breeze was nice the Sky was clear and I felt like I was in heaven. "Hey Ryan?" "Hm what is it?" "Do you ever stargaze?" "Yes the stars are like dots that need to be connected to form a shape that tells a story." He says "it's funny how I've never Stargazed but I know so much about where the stars are in each season."I say.

"Maybe I can take you stargazing sometime, that's if you want?" "Sure I would love to see the stars." Zach was still sleeping.

A few minutes later a hear a noise in the grass. I went to turn around and I feel something cold all over my body it was wet like water. I'm severely sensitive to water, I started getting dizzy my head keep spinning. I then fell over and my eyes start to close my eye lids are getting heavier and heavier untili cant hold them up. The last this I hear was my name and this man he kept saying I'm not a hero but I'm Hero.

~to be continued~

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