Chapter 10 River of Souls

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~a week later~

After the incident we had to go on more missions, *sigh*. We all walked in the main room in the Sky castle. "You will be separated into two groups but they won't be permanent. Group one will consist of Natalie, Stephanie, Ryan, Zach, Blake, Lana, Shard, Matthew, and Kai. Group two will consist of Alexandrite, James, Anthony, Stella, Roy, Tyler, Erthena, And Calvin. Go into your separate groups now." The Great Sky Dragon said.

"Group one you will be investing the river of souls it's open once every 100 years you must make sure the spirits don't cross into are world. Group two you'll just chill here and train for you will go on a mission when you get back." River of souls? Sounds cool. My group walks outside of the room. "River of souls is in another realm we'll have to travel to the spirit realm." Ryan said to us, "we have to travel to the realm gate," we then traveled to the spirit realm gate.

The gate for different realms were scattered across the land. Luckily the spirit realm gate was not to far. We stand in front of the gate then we see a man. Wearing a black scarf and black boots that come up to his knees, with long gray pants and a long sleeve jacket that's gray too, his dark skin made his outfit look darker than it seems. With thick black glasses.

    He looked at us with a stern look. "Why are you here state your name." He said while summoning a scythe it was as tall as him with a large black blade at the end witch curves. "We are here to check the river of souls we are the dragon Shifters." I say. "Oh, sorry about that it's been some time since I've seen someone." He said in a sweet voice as he puts down his weapon.

   "I'll let you in the spirit realm but I hate watching this stupid gate can I join you guys instead?" He wondered "ok just walk through the gate" he told us. I stepped into the gate I started to fall "ahhhhhhh" I then transformed into my dragon form but I couldn't go anywhere. Soon enough I dropped on dark green grass. Everyone started to land too, the spirit realm was so fascinating. With flouting islands and bright blue water. The trees had a deformed shape kinda like willow trees.

    "This place has so much magic energy" Matthew said as he looked around. "Do spirits live here in the spirit realm?" Ryan asked the man. "Oh sure they do but today they all are riding the river of souls, oh and I forgot to introduce myself I'm Stanley the Soul keeper." Stanley told us, "So how long have you been keeping these souls?" Blake wondered. "Oh since the first human died yah that's a long time isn't it?" Stanley said as he was leading us to the river.

    "It must get lonely Stanley~San." Shard Said in a shy voice, "it sure does miss elf." Stanley responded as his head tilted down. We had made it to the river. It was a bright glowing blue-green and there were boats in the water with people in it that were slightly transparent. We walked to the edge of the river and then we saw him.

    "J..James? ..... JAMES!" Matthew yelled with tears in his eyes. "JAMES ITS ME PLEASE ANSWER ME!" He kept yelling, James looked at him but he had no emotions in his eyes." Why can't he speak back Stanley?!" Matthew said, "Matthew I'm sorry but he's dead he can't hear you." Stanley said in a sad tone. "No no no NO!" Blake said as he saw his beloved Lily. "LILY! *sob* Lily." Blake said as he falls to the ground. Us all in sorrow then Ryan's eyes widened as he looked over to one of the boats. "Madilyn?" He said in a whisper, tears flowed down his cheeks as he sees his dead little sister flouting away.

     "MADILYN!" He screams "I'm sorry Ryan she can't hear you!" I tell him as I bring him into a embrace. "I just miss her so much." He says as he sobbed on my shoulder as I even start to tear up. "It's ok Ryan you got me" Zach said from behind him. "No one cares Zach." Kai says to him.

    Then we hear a voice "big brother Ryan?" A cute girl speaks. "Madilyn?!" Ryan says "that's impossible she can't talk non of them are supposed to!" Stanley says. "Big brother help!" She cried as Ryan transformed into his dragon form and took off. "Ryan don't touch the water or you'll die!" Stanley warns. Ryan picks the little girl up with his talents and brought her to the other side. Her once transparent skin is turning solid. She had a grin on her face like a cute little girl would have.

    "I missed you big brother!" She said hugging him. She was the same age as she was when she died (7 years old). We were all happy for the new reunion, but someone wasn't Blake got jealous that he gets his little sister back but he can't get his beloved back. Determined he wished he could have her back. Then he could feel something in the ground. He lifted it and vines like strong root like vines came out of the ground. He then guided them towards Lily. But then inches away from her the vines were cut by Stanley's scythe.

    "I'm sorry Blake but you can't do that." He said with a stern look with a bloodlust in his eye. "Sorry Stanley I was just tempted." He apologized as he backed away. We all walked down the river patrolling the riverside. "It's ok Blake you'll always have me." Lana says trying to cheer him up. "I won't let what happened to Lily happen to you I promise to protect you with my life." He said with a serious tone. Lana started blushing to his statement.

     Madilyn sat on Ryan's shoulders so she wouldn't hurt her feet. "He Natalie~sama when are you going to Mary big brother Ryan?" She asked in such sweet tone. "M....Mary I um but we're only friends and I haven't thought of it that way and we're only kid." I say in a panic, "Madilyn you can't say stuff like that to her right now." He told her as we blush with dark red on are face. "Plus she wouldn't Mary me she would Anthony though." That statement made my blood boil. "Why would you think that!" I said to him, " I uhh I'm sorry."

     He apologized "it's ok I shouldn't have overreacted." I tell him, "so what are we talking about?" Zach says half asleep, "We're talking about how to get rid of you." I say "oh ok..... WAIT WHAT!" He said " Hahahaha just kidding Hahahaha!" I say to him. We all laugh.

We were done patrolling and it was time to head home. We exited the realm and was now back in the realm we know and love. Madilyn was even able to enter to witch Ryan was happy about. If she wasn't able to cross then the gate would shatter witch it didn't. "I want to join you guys but don't worry the grim reaper always comes and checks on the realm." Said Stanley, " we do have room for more" I say.

We head back to the Kingdom we were all exhausted from are trip. "Man I don't think I can walk again." Lana says as she plops on the bed. Blake giggles and blushes a little, then his chest had a throbbing pain. He could see the string again it was around his wrist but it looks like has been cut or burned but it was growing. And he looked over to Lana and saw no string at all.

~to be continued~

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