Chapter 14 War

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I Started to dash off running as fast as I can. As soon as I met the Perademons I took out my sword. Leaped in the air above the Perademons. I spun around in the air, and I took my sword and slammed it in the ground. Making the ground shake and crack making the Perademons fall into the fire. Witch killed hundreds. But more and more of the Perademons. I then had a sudden blood lust. I started to manically laugh as I slaughter the Perademons.

       "NATALIE!" I then turn around to see Kai. My eyes widened. "KAI!" I screeched. He was pinned down by the perademons as swords were sticking out of his back and his wings. He was coughing up blood as well. "Natalie I'm sorry about how I treated you I hope you can forgive me" he said his final words as his head fell to the ground. Tears started to flow from my eyes. "NO!" I then run over to the Perademons and I kill them one by one. I started to sob.

    I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Im so sorry for your loss Natalie" I turn to see Stanley." I'll make sure he has a good after life" he says giving me a hug. I sob into his shoulder. "But we have a prince to save and demons to kill" he said pulling away. I nod then run off. I see my friends they all are battling well. "Natalie wait let me and Lana come with you?" Blake said running towards me. I nod and we run off. Tyler and Stephanie also joined us.

We ran passed fallen warriors and perademons. There rotten stench blinded my nose. A larger Perademon came towards us. It swung its arm at me but I dogged it. I jumped backwards but then I see Lana in his grasp. She was struggling to get out she was banging her arm on his large finger. Blake kept screaming his rage overpowered him and vines started to break out of the ground. They took ahold of the demon and squezzed him. Cause him to let go of Lana making her fall. "LANA!" Blake screamed. He ran to her and caught her before she hit the ground. "Lana are you ok?" He asked. "Yes I'm fine thank you for saving me" she said with a sweet smile. Blake started to scream in pain. He put Lana down safely. "Blake are you ok?!" Tyler said. "STAY BACK ALL OF YOU!" Blake screamed. He was yelling in pain. His red eye was bleeding and the other eye flowing with tears.

"Well it seems my handsome prince is dying, HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I turn to see Nethera standing there. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM!" Lana screamed. "You see that red eye there it forbids him to fall in love if he does he'll die" Nethera says. " love?" Lana says slowly. "HAHAHAHAHAHA and the only way to break to curse is to kill me!" She says. Lana steps forward but Blake steps in front of her. "I don't want to see you hurt I'll gladly give my life" Blake said in a serious voice pushing his pain away.

For a second he could see his red string grow faster he didn't have much time. "I won't lose to you this time!" Blake yelled. He ran towards her he took out his gradient blue and green bow. And started shooting his nature arrows they hit the ground shooting vines in the air trapping Nethera. She broke free of the vines." You think some tree plants are going to stop me!" She was different from the other perademons she had a human like body and long black hair, she had long sharp claws and dark red skin. But she had the same mask. She also wore Blake armor and bat like wings her weapon of choice was a large black sword with white engraves.

     She swung her sword and cut Blakes arm witch made him scream in pain. He shot more arrows they all missed except one that hit her wing. Which made her screech in pain. She fell to the ground dropping her sword in the process. Blake took this chance to pick up the sword. "THIS IS FOR MY KINGDOM!" He then swung the sword and sliced her head off.

     He started to scream as his red eye started to turn green and a red marble like object feel out the light emitting from it faded away. We all run to him. Lana wrapped his wound in water to heal it. "That was amazing Blake but why did you do it?!" Lana said. Blake chuckled. "Lana so I can do this" Blake then grabbed her cheeks and pressed his lip up against hers. Her eyes widened as tears feel from her eyes but she kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around him playing with is blond hair. "Guys knows not the time THIS IS WAR NOT HIGH SCHOOL!" I say to them.

     They pull away blushing. Blake looked over to the red string it was attached to Lanas arm. This filled Blake with happiness. He grabbed Lanas arm with both of his hands and he held them up. "I love you Lana will you be mine?" Blake said tears falling from his eyes. "Oh Blake of course!" She said giving him a hug. "Ok are we done here I would like to end this war" Stephanie says. They nodded and we set off.

~ meanwhile in the castle ~

      A Perademon came running in the castle heading to the throne where Prometheus and Trinity were. "MASTER MASTER, Nethera is dead she was kill by the elf prince!" The Perademon said. Prometheuses eyes widened. He took the demon by his neck holding him in the air. "He did WHAT!" "He killed Nethera her head was decapitated" the perademons said struggling to breathe. Prometheus let him go, the Perademon gasping for air. "Trinity can you handle them?" "Yes I can but I cant believe he killed Nethera" Trinity said.

~ back to the group ~

    We kept running and running seeing all are friends fighting. Zach joined us, I look over to see Anthony and Stella fighting a large group of Perademons they were surrounded. But then Kiku came in and killed them. A larger Perademon was coming but Coty put him down. And I see Alex, James, and Roy fighting as well. I felt happier to see that my friends are ok except Kai.

We ran ahead and Tyler told us to stop. "Stop don't move or she'll see you!" We all stop. "Who Tyl-" "be quite!" He told Stephanie. All we could hear was the battle that's going on. Then Tyler swung his head around in fear. "GET DOWN!" He tackled Stephanie and we all went down. "WHAT THE HELL TYLER!" Stephanie said. Then she appeared, pure blood Trinity. We all get up, Tyler was shaking in fear. "A little birdie told me that you killed Nethera lets see if you can kill me" Trinity said. Then she looked over to Tyler. " Oh Tyler I've missed you did you miss me I promise not to kill you that hard" she said cheerfully.

"You know her Tyler?!" Stephanie said. Tyler put his head down. "Yes I do know her, she is my ex girlfriend Trinity pureblood" all of are eyes widened especially Stephanie. "Oh so you do remember me Tyler if you remember me why don't you tell them why you broke up with me" Tylers head raised to reveale his face filled with rage. "IM TIRED OF BEING FORCED TO LOVE SOMEONE!" He yelled. "My parents forced me to date her and then they told me to marry her and I never wanted that so I ran away and took the job of bodyguard" Stephanie felt sympathy for the pale vampire. "THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO BREAK MY HEART LIKE A TOOTHPICK!" Trinity said. Tyler ran to her and tried to punch her in the face but she dodged and slapped him in the face. "Your not worth my time" she said.

Stephanie grew angry and turned into her wolf form. She growled and charged at her. "Aw what a cute puppy" Trinity said. When Stephanie got close she turned back with pure rage on her face. And she punched her in the face sending her flying. Tyler then got up with a red hand mark on his face. "Stephanie?" Tyler looked at Trinity that was on the ground and he looked at Stephanie witch was in rage.

      Trinity got up coughing up blood. "Well I wasn't expecting that kind of power I'll have to be more careful" she said whipping her bloody mouth. "Trinity I don't love you or ever will I have someone else in my heart, and another reason is because you never truly loved me either" "YOU LIAR! Ive cared for you all this time and you still dont love me. IF I CANT HAVE YOU NO ONE CAN!" She then trys to slash him with her claws but he dodged he then transformed into his bat form. He sprouted bat ears and wings and a tail. "So your one of the rare ones" "Im not like you prue bloods I have part demon blood witch makes me have bat like features."

Are eyes widened to the transformation. "Wait part Demon that's not possible!" Trinity said trying to step back. Tyler ran to her and stabbed the umbrella through her torsos. She started coughing up more blood. "I shouldn't have underestimated your power. I hope the person you have in your heart takes care of you as you take care of her" she then falls to the ground dyeing from loss of blood.

"Im sorry you had to see that Stephanie" he then changed back to his vampire form. "Tyler I see now, the one you have close to your heart. Is it me?" His eyes widened to her question. "I Uhh um yes your the one I hold close to my heart I just hope you can acc-" "shut up you blood sucker!" She cut him off by giving him a hug. Tears of happiness flowed down her face. "So one villain to go Hugh" I say looking at the castle. 'Im coming Ryan just hold on'.

~ to be continued ~

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