Chapter 4 Sky Dragon Ball Part 2

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    ~AUTHOR NOTE: please don't play the music until I give you directions to do so thank you and I hope you like this chapter. :3~

The Flash disappears showing the bodyguards floating in the air. The Great Sky Dragon gets up out of his chair. "You Guards of these 7, you will protect them with your life you understand"! He demands.

Stephanie speaks first. "I am Stephanie the Silver wolf and I would give my life for Natalie"!

Stella was up next. "I am Stella the swordsman and I will protect Anthony until the end"!

Blake is up next." I am Blake Johnson the last elf I with not afford to lose another friend I'll be with her to the end"!

Then Tyler. "I am Tyler the aristocratic I would never want to see my best friend hurt I'll protect him"!

And James. "I am James the silver wolf Alex has a strong heart we need people like him I won't lose him"!

And then this boy talks I guess he's a bodyguard for the Shifter of Earth. "I am Calvin the warrior, Erthena has a loving heart and a great mind I will stand by her side"!

Then another boy speaks. "I am Zach the Airborn I will protect Ryan with my life"!

The Great Sky Dragon speaks again. "You all have been appointed as the Seven Royal Protecters"! They float down. "Now we with do the sacred Sky Dragon Ball Dance to pare two Dragon Shifters forever"! The Who room go's in shock. "I the Great Sky Dragon will announce the two parings"!

The whole room was filled with suspension. "The two parings are Natalie Dragoneel of the Kingdom of Fire and Ryan Nightshade of the Kingdom of Darkness. The whole room gasped. Anthony had a shocked face then was turned into a smile for he was proud of the decision made. I stepped out of the throne and walked to the main ball floor. He walked over to. I did a curtsy and he did a bow. Then we got into a waltz position. He put his had on my hip I put my hand on his shoulder and the other hand together.
~Play the music now~
We started to dance. Swirling around and and doing spins and twirls. The music was peaceful and calm I almost felt like I was in heaven. Then I looked into his beautiful eyes the shad of blue was mesmerizing I couldn't look away. He gases into my red eyes with a grin on his face. Then he speaks. "What beautiful red eyes". He states. I started blushing. "Th...thank you, but your eyes are more mesmerizing their like water, water that could diminish my flame". His eyes widened with amazement. "I guess I was a bit too deep huh". I say with a little chuckle. He laughs too.

But if you look at his face for a while he looks beautiful. "Natalie you have such beautiful red hair". "What's with all the compliments"? "My mother says to always complement a lady, I guess I was a little nervous talking to you for the first time". " oh that's alright".

~You can stop the music now I know the song is probably not over~

    The music ends and we come to a stop. We put are arms to are sides and walk to are Thrones. "That dance was magnificent"! Said the Great Sky Dragon. Then I faintly hear someone saying something it was Kai! "Ugh lucky bastard". He said it so soft I don't think anyone else heard him but me. Was Kai jealous?!

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