Chapter 5 Math Wizard

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The barn door shuts. "Finally I got away from those guards." He sighed with relief. Matthew was wearing a red shirt with a gray jacket and a gradient color of green and blue on his pants with a plus sign subtraction, multiplying, and dividing sign on it. And a katana in a scabern on his back with bandages around the grip. Matthew the Math wizard the outcast the traitor. He slowly falls to the ground back still against the big barn down and starts to sob. "Why can't I be treated like a normal human being!"" Hey what are you doing here"! There was a farmer standing in front of him." Your that wizard boy aren't you get out"! The man runs at him with pitchfork. Matthew dodged and sliced the pitchfork in half with his katana." I'm so sorry". Matthew runs off with tears in his eyes. Will I ever be accepted?

~meanwhile at the meeting room~

"So where do we start looking". I say. "Wait where is Blake"? Lana questions...

~meanwhile at the hotel room bathroom~

    I can't stay with these old memories. Blake then cut his hair and put some hair gel in, and had it slick back. "Ok no more old memories must think about present and the future". Blake ran out of the hotel with a smile on his face. "Hey there's Blake"! Lana says to the group." No more thinking of the past only the present and future". Blake says with such sorrow then he has a determination written on his face. "Wow Blake you hair looks so cool"! Lana says with amazement. "Oh ah thank you Lana". Blake starts to blush.

    "Ok we should probably check the people that have seen him around first". We went to are first witness. Katlyn the baker, she states that he came and Bought a croissant and just left he went that way. The lady pointed to the right side of the road. "Thank you miss Katlyn". We were Investigating the sky kingdom for the wizard. He was nowhere to be found.

"That's strange how this can just happen"? Erthena questions. "Maybe their just sending a spy"? Calvin exclaims. Then we hear shouting from other dragons and humans. "Someone stop that wizard"! That got are attention. We run after him we caught up to him easily he wasn't very fast.

   But then as we were chasing him perademons come out of the alleyway. "We'll take care of this Natalie you take the rest and get that wizard". James suggested. But then one of the perademons snatched my eye patch and I was filled with rage my eye was in pain it was like someone stabbed it. I was screaming falling to the ground there were flashes of light and a beam of light that pierced there hearts.

     Stephanie quickly grabbed the eye patch and put it on my eye sealing the power. "Thank you Stephanie I oh you one." But on one of the buildings I see him, Prometheus. "Hahahaha I have finally witnessed the greatest power known to this universe the dragon eye I hope we meet again lizard." He then disappeared. That power it's terrifying. I go into shock after witnessing my power." Natalie are you ok?" Roy asks. "I..I don't know?"

   Matthew ran into a alleyway. "No no no, their going to find me and going to spend the rest of my life in prison or even worse". Matthew curls up in a ball and started crying. I started walking down the alleyway feeling bad for the poor wizard. "Hey are you ok"? I get on my knees and ask." Why would you want to know your just going to put me behind bars all for what being a wizard, I never wanted this that's why I left"." I'm sorry w-wait what is your name"? "My name is Matthew the Math wizard". "Well nice to meet you Matthew". I say as I was giving him a hand shake. "Come on Natalie we have to take him back to get questioned". Stephanie suggests. "We can't do that think about what they'll do they mite even kill him".

    Matthew didn't like the sound of that but it was better than being a outlaw on the run. "I'll go back with I have no where else to go". He said as he was getting up. Then those words hit Blake. He whispers to himself. "Just like me". Lana must have Hurd him cause then she says." Think about it you guys Blake had no where else to go look at him now"! "She does have a point". Stephanie says. "Let's take him to get questioned cause what if he doesn't go to jail and becomes free he won't have to worry about people chasing him to ask him questions". Ryan says. "Ok we take him back". Zack says.

    We head back the rest of the group catches up with us. We started walking to the meeting room when we see people staring at Matthew." Look it's the wizard","I bet their going to kill him for the wizard scum he is". Those words made my mood swing. "Hey you if you got a problem you say it to my face!" I yell. They all stoped talking.

~Matthews flash back~

"Hey Matthew wait for me!" Matthew turns around to see his friend running towards him. "Oh hey James how's water magic going for you." "It's going well, I just can't believe you get bullied when your the prince of the Kingdom that just makes no sense."

~later on~

"Matthew run they'll get you.... run." He hear James screaming he tried to save him it was too late. Two of the fire wizards were bullies and lost control of their magic and.

"James Noooo!" Matthew runs to his burned friend. "No James your the only friend I have left!" Matthew starts to cry. He has no other choice but to abandon his best friend. He ran as fast as he could.

~end of flashback~

"Good work you found the trespasser no hand him over to the investigators." I run and stand in front of Matthew. "If you want to kill Matthew you go through me!" I don't know what I was saying but it sounded right. "You deny the Great Sky Dragon!" "He did nothing wrong!" "That's enough Natalie!" My father says. "Look at Blake he had nowhere to go just like Matthew are you going to kill Blake too!" The castle guards were trying to take me away. "Unhand me at once!"I struggled to get out of their grasp. The Matthew spoke. "Stop please, let her go!" He tried to get one of the guards off but it was no use Matthew was thrown to the ground. "Don't touch me you wizard bastard." More guards came and tried to take us away. The others were in another room so they didn't see what was happening.

    They put me in a room where I can't get out of. "You will stay here until we have questioned the prisoner." Then he slammed the door. "Noooooo don't hurt him he did nothing wrong he doesn't deserve to die stop!" I screamed and yelled but it was no use. I started sobbing." I tried to help someone I guess I am just a smart ass."

They shoved Matthew into another room with a table and two chairs. He sat in one. "What's going on where's Natalie, don't hurt her she did nothing wrong she was trying to help." Then a man walked into the room. "Don't worry mister Matthew we won't hurt her it's you, you need to worry about." "I don't care what happens to me as long as those people are safe." "I'll ask you some questions and you can be set free." He nodded. "What is your opinion on dragons?" He asked. "Well I think there kinda cool, with their scales and different elemental powers." Matthew replied.

"Ok one last one, why did you leave the wizard territory?" The man asked with such nonchalantness. "You see my best friend was injured by a wizard I've hated them ever since and I may be the prince of the wizard kingdom but I would never go back." The man was in shock." Prince M...Matthew the 3rd?!" Matthew nodded. The man surprisingly let him go me as well.

"Natalie I'm so glad your safe!" Matthew runs up to me and gives me a hug, and I can feel like drops of water on my shoulder it was tears. We were sent back to the well let's just call the room the town hall. We went to the town hall and got assigned another mission.

    "Natalie, Stephanie, Lana, Blake, Matthew, Ryan, and Zack, you have been assigned to another mission." You will be on a mission to central city to find this lady named "Shard"." "She is so people have said to be an elf." Blake was very interested in this subject. "The other group will get another mission in the meantime get ready for your trip to central city."

   To be continued.....

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