Change of attitude?

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Ludmillas POV

I sat and thought for a while. To get Alice out of the way I need to her to be in my group of supernovas! I saw her walking into the dance room alone. "Hey Ali BFF! What's up?" I said with my beautiful smile. "Ludmilla! Hi! I was just looking for you!" she said smiling not as beautiful. "I loved your plan to date Diego to make vilu more heartbroken!" I said flipping my hair,"You wanna join me and Nat on a trip shopping now?". "But what about class!?" she said confused. "who cares? You need a makeover! Bend the rules a bit girlfriend!" I said linking arms with her.

Alice's POV

I've dumped the goodie two shoes francesca and Camilla. I'm now part of ludmi's supernovas with Nat and ludmi of course! we skipped class and went shopping. I got a sparkly glitter pink dress with white shiny stilettos! Ludmi says 'you gotta dress like a diva to be one!'. Ludmi's way more fun than any of my previous friends!

Leon's POV

I saw the weirdest thing! I saw Alice walking around linking arms with Ludmilla? Alice was wearing a gorgeous pink dress and seemed taller? "hey Alice!" I said as she walked past. "Sorry Alieon is totes over!" She squeaked grinning as she walked. why is she friends with ludmilla of all people! I turned around to be nose to nose with Vilu. "hey Leon! What's up??" she said backing away a bit. "hi vilu! I'm just going to class!" I said fake smiling 😊. Vilu kissed my cheek and we walked to dance class together.

Maxi's POV

I haven't talked to anyone in a while because I was off a lot with the flu! The second I saw Naty, I ran up to her hugged her and span her around. she grinned at me and hugged me. I missed this SO MUCH! I walked into dance class to see vilu and Leon, fran and cami, ludmi and Alice all standing separated like there had been a murder! I walked up to fran and cami and said 'hi'. They all gave me a group hug and said how much they missed me! it's so great to be back!

Violettas POV

Fran and cami have forgiven me and we became friends again! But Ali dumped them and went with Ludmilla of all people! I have to go straighten things out with her!

At the end of class I grabbed Ali's fake tanned arm and pulled her back."What do YOU want?" she growled at me. "I just wanted to say sorry, and can you Please forgive me?" I begged. She sniggered. "As if! ME Alice blanco, forgiving a NO TALENTED, LOWLIFE LIKE YOU!? You must be kidding!" she angrily said giving me a cold stare. "Ali, you've changed! Never speak to me again!" I screamed. "My pleasure!" she shouted smiling. I ran out of the room and tripped over a pile of books. I fell flat on my face and lay there sobbing in pain...😫

Leon's POV

I was walking down the empty hallway and I heard crying. I went searching for the victim and found vilu all bruised! I lifted her up bridal style and called for a person nearby. Alice strutted out with her bright pink lipstick on. Not like I was looking at her lips or anything! "what? Come to beg for forgiveness?" she said rudely. then she saw vilu and ran over to her and screamed. "oh Leon! What happened!? WE HAVE TO GET HER TO A HOSPITAL, SHE'S OUT COLD!" Alice shrieked as she saw vilu's bleeding nose. Alice took her stilettos off and we ran to my car. we lay vilu in the back seat and we drove fast to the hospital. Both of us silent..


Violettas POV

I woke up to a bright light. What happened? Where was I ? "she's awake!" a voice mumbled. I got my sight back to find myself in a weird room. "Vilu!" two people shouted and ran over to me. I screamed and pulled the cover over my head. Who were these strangers!? "Vilu? We thought you were gone, babe I'm so happy you're ok!!" said a male voice. WAIT DID SOMEONE JUST CALL ME BABE!? I was so confused I couldn't remember a thing! Like who anyone was or where I was! Someone then pulled the cover off my head. I saw a girl and a boy around my age leaning over me. They must be dating! Then whyd that guy call me babe!? "Vilu! The doctors here to see you!" said the girl smiling. She was really pretty and the guy handsome...the perfect couple! "We have a query...we think Violetta may have amnesia!" Said another lady."you mean she doesn't know us?" Said the guy holding my hand. "I'm afraid not..she took a pretty hard blow to the head!" said the other woman frowning, "she'll go home and slowly regain some of her memories, not all though!" Then the other woman left. Who was this injured Violetta girl? Wait, did they mean me? I'm a injured girl that can't remember my family and friends? WHO AM I? I could feel my heart beating through my chest. What was happening? "Violetta? VIOLETTA?!" screamed a Person, "WE NEED A DOCTOR!!! VILU WAKE UP!!"....


Sorry for not updating my phone broke and it only got fixed now! thx for reading!


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