What's up with Vilu?

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Alice's POV

We have all now left the studio and I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life....i wasn't picked for any of the subjects so it's gonna be hard for me to find a job!

I have a date with Maxi today, I'm meeting him at the beach. I have no idea what he has planned!

SKIP TIME**********

"Hey beautiful!" said maxi smiling. "hi handsome!" I said smiling back. We both burst out laughing then he led me down to the sea. "what are you doing max-" I mumbled nervously as he pushed me into the water, "MAXI NO! MY DRESS IS RUINED!!! HELP ME UP NOW!!!" I shrieked jokily. he put his hand out and I pulled him in! "that's what you get for messing with muah!!" I giggled hysterically. "You look gorgeous when you're wet.." he said putting his hands around my waist and kissing me softly. As we separated I looked to the beach to see everyone staring at us. "maxi look at the beach!" I whispered nervously. He looked over and went bright red with me. he then took my hand and marched past all the viewers with a straight face!

Angies POV

I'm still so worried about vilu! she hasn't talked to anyone since dinner and I know something's wrong. I knew if I talked to her she would go crazy, so I texted her.

'Vilu I'm so worried bout u. plz talk to me and tell me wats rong! I miss our hart 2 hart chats! If u are sad bout sumfing u shud no u can always cum 2 me!

Xox Angie a very worried mum'

I still don't know how she'll react to the text she may break her phone into tiny pieces or come talk to me. I then clicked 'send' and I could hear her phone beep in the other room. I then heard bangs and crashes. SHE'S BROKE HER PHONE! I stormed in to see her phone sitting not broken, but some photographs in smashed frames on the floor. "I'm sorry angie!" She shrieked running over and hugging me. "vilu sweetheart, sit down and tell mama what's wrong!" I said grinning. "angie NEVER say mama again!" She said giggling. "vilu, why'd you break all those photos from the studio!!?" wait....was she upset because of leaving the studio? "mommy! Mommy!!" shrieked Rosetta from downstairs. "sweetie you can come in!" smiled vilu. Rosetta is now 2 and a few months. She has mid-long brown hair, sweet brown eyes and the most beautiful face!


Pic of Rosetta

She stumbled in and jumped onto vilu's knee. "rose, you've got chocolate on your face!" Giggled vilu wiping Rosettas face with her sleeve. Vilu loves her so much and Diego visits time to time to see her. "Rosy go play over there I need to talk to grammy!" she giggled pointing to me. Grammy, I thought I'd never been called that for years! I sound so old! "yes deary! now vilu I know you're upset about the studio..." she started to sob. "You're so right! And I feel like such a baby living here with my parents!" W-wait she wants to move out!? "vilu what about rosy!? And your dad he'll.." I stuttered nervously. "angie I'm moving in two weeks into a house with Leon and rose!" she grinned, "and dad knows it all! I just thought..you might be a bit upset, ya know...." I WAS UPSET!! NOBODY TOLD ME!! VILU COULDN'T LEAVE!! I LOVED HER TOO MUCH! 😢


Hey guys, this is the second last chapter! One more to go then that's it! 😥 Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring, but I haven't talked about angie before and I thought it was good! Ok guys, anyway thx 4 reading!!!



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