Mexico and kidnaps

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Violettas POV

I lay on my bed writing in my diary..thinking of leon..I was flicking through old pages, when I saw a picture I'd took of Leon singing to me! aw the good ole days!

I grabbed it and held it close to my heart. I wish he was here holding me, but he's in Mexico!! Suddenly a alarm sounded and pablos voice came on the speakers, "Evacuate!! evacuate!! Fire outside violetta Castillo and Alice blanco's room!" I heard my name and jumped up and ran to the door. It ignited with fire and I was trapped! I ran to the window and pulled the latch open. It was 4 storys!! I grabbed my diary, phone, picture of my mum and laptop and stuffed them in a bag. I couldn't leave with none of Ali's stuff! i grabbed her diary, phone and picture of her family and stuffed them in as well. I stood out on the ledge the whole room on fire behind me. LEON AND MARCOS ROOM!! I jumped onto their ledge and the window was open!! I slid in and banged on their locked door for help. "Help help! I'm stuck in leon and Marcos room!! HELP ME!!" I screamed as the door ignited with fire. I stood back and ran to the window which was also on fire! I was in the middle and going to die! I grabbed my phone and tried to dial 999, but the fumes and smoke got to me on 99 and I collapsed....

Alice's POV

I was in a cold dark room. I was freezing! "hello?" I said confused. "hello alice!" said a strange shadowy figure with a low voice. "why am I here? what do you want?" I shrieked. "Watch this!" a phone was set in my hand and a video was playing. "that's just my roo....OMG VIOLETTA!! WHY!? LET ME GOOO!!" I shrieked louder. The phone was snatched off me. "now you wish you didn't deny all you feelings for me!" said the shadowy figure. "what do you mean? Wait, LEON!? But-but you're in Mexico!?" I screamed trying to stand up. why would Leon do this? My hands were tied with rope onto a chair. "LEON? HAHAHA!!" laughed the voice. OMG!!! I'm so confused!!!

Leon's POV

I arrived in Mexico earlier and have just finished setting up my room for the next year... I got a text from Alice 'Leon I never felt anything for you, I was using you to make my true love jealous. :) Alice' I looked at the screen twice, what!? I texted back, 'what? was it diego? does someone have your phone?' I was worried this wasn't like her! I needed some tv to calm me down. The news was on...

'17 year old girl jumped through fire filled room to safety in buenos aires. Her name was Violetta Castillo and she is in Central Hospital with burnt skin and dirty lungs'

Violetta!!? I couldn't be by her side, so she got hurt! I've got to go home!! "mum!? dad!?" I shouted. I couldn't lose vilu she's the best thing in my life.

Ludmillas POV

"After the fire the studio will be closed! violetta is recovering in hospital! Now scatter! Go get your stuff and go home!Ludmilla please stay behind!" shouted pablo. He was very stressed. "yes, Pablo!?" I said politely. "The only people not here were...uh..leon, diego, maxi and Brenda." he said wiping sweat off his forehead. "Leon? But we still don't know where or who she's with! she could get hurt! PABLO!!!" I shrieked angrily. "LUDMILLA!!! IM ALREADY STRESSED OUT! I DONT NEED YOU ADDING TO IT!!!! There's nothing we can do until further information and time..." he said shouting then whispering. Weird right? I smothered my lips in lipgloss, sparkling pink of course! "LUDMILLA IS OUT! come on nat!" i said to growling Pablo. I flipped my curled blonde hair and walked out, little Natalia behind me...

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