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Leon's POV

I'm going to the movies with my new friend Sarah! "So Sarah, what movie are we seeing?" I said grinning. "it's called Complicated I think!" That was the movie I saw with Alice on our first date! Ugh I don't need to think about that! "leon?" she squeaked waving her hand I front of my face, "Who's Alice? Leon?" I jumped back into the real world. I was thinking aloud!! "NOTHING!! Uh...let's get snacks!" I stuttered. She couldn't find out I was thinking about my ex ex girlfriend! "Leon? The nice man is asking what you want to eat!!" squeaked Sarah bringing me out of my daze once again. "yeah...uh...ill have popcorn and fanta?" I stuttered. He handed me my food and me and Sarah walked into the movie.We sat in the back row and soon after another person sat down. "Oh hi guys!" said Lara jumping closer beside me, "fancy seeing you guys here on a night out!" Sarah gave her a smile and she grinned back. "So Lara, here with anyone?" I asked. I hoped she was, so then she wouldn't annoy us. "No here ALL alone!!" she squeaked getting even closer to me. I slowly moved closer to Sarah and she grabbed my collar and pulled my over to her and kissed me. "LARA?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I shouted pushing her away. The whole cinema stared as I looked to Sarah who suddenly grabbed me and kissed me too!? Why do I have like 100000 girlfriends!!? "Get away from me both of you!!" I shouted louder running out of the cinema and onto the street.. I sat under a street lamp... I needed vilu! She was my love, any other girl just doesn't feel right! Slowly a shadow came into the light closer to me, "hello? I'm lost please help me!" said a softy shivery voice. It was a 14 year old girl. "it's ok! I'll help you!" I said smiling and putting my arm around her cold shoulders. "t-thank you..". She mumbled as we walked home to my house.

Violettas POV

I lay on my bed... all I could think about was Leon. Sure, I was with Marco, but I missed him so much!

Dear diary,

I love Leon and Marco...But Leon ended it so I have to forget him...But I can't! ugh! I'm having a argument with myself! Marco is so kind and I have no idea why fran dumped him, but she'll be annoyed when she finds out I'm dating him!! Here comes Alice!

Xx Violetta

"Hey vilu! what's up?" said Ali setting her bags down. I smiled and mumbled, "just relaxing, chilling being cool!" OMG why'd I just say that!? I'm such a DORK!! "ha ha! Yeah, your so cool and I'm so swag#!!" giggled Ali. She so gets me! Ever since I met her she's done everything plus understood me! I ran up and hugged her. I was just so glad to have such a good friend as Alice....

Sorry for taking so long to update! I had writers block! So if you have any ideas to help me please comment!

thanks for reading!!!

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