Pool Party

319 21 3

2 weeks later ******

Leon's POV
Vilu is feeling better now, but still can't remember much...She can't remember a lot about me, only that I'm her boyfriend and my names Leon..
BEEEP! I got a text.

F Hi Leon pool party at maxi's tonight and you are invited!

L thx fran but wat bout vilu

F she'll be alrite on her own for the evening

L r u sure this party won't be a all nighter

F idk only if u want :)

L ok I'll see u tonite :)

F k see ya leo

L Leon!!

Ok I was going to a pool party?!

Alices POV
Pool party tonight whoo hoo! "So Ali re gotta get new hot swimsuits!" said ludmi smiling. huh? why can't I wear the one I already have? "Well you do want to look good for Diego, don't you!?" she said putting on lipstick. "yeah I do...But I have a nice one at hom..." I mumbled. "lets go shopping!" She squeaked pulling me out of the room.
Skip time****
Once we got to the mall ludmi sprinted into the swimwear shop pulling me behind her. I looked around...i liked them all! "so what ones are you trying on?" said ludmi grabbing every pink bikini in sight! "ludmi, can you just pick one for me? I'll try it on and buy it?" I said nervously. "ok! go wait with Nat in the changing rooms!" she squeaked running around.

Leon's POV- the pool party
I trudged down maxi's muddy path to her back yard. I wish vilu was here, but I'm glad Diego's sick! I arrived at the pool to here thumping music and loads of people crowded around the pool dancing. I walked to the edge of the pool and looked into the deep calm clear water. it relaxed me. Suddenly I went flying into the water. I looked up to see Alice smiling, "I got you back!" she said. oh yeah..i pushed her into the water on our first date..well Diego and vilu aren't here! why not have some fun? I pulled Alice in and she burst out in laughter. suddenly the whole party jumped in after us nearly crushing our heads! I grabbed ali's arm and helped her out of the pool. She tried to stand up, but some drunk guy was trying to pull her in by her foot! I punched him in the nose and ran with her to the side. "thanks leon!" she said droopily setting her head on my shoulder. She was so cute sometimes...💞 I helped her inside and we sat on the sofa. "Leon...I..." She mumbled. "Ali I can't help but feel this way about you, but everything's complicated with vilu's amnesia and you bf Diego!" I blurted out. "I miss you leon!" she said falling into my arms.

Frans POV
The next day****
I woke up on maxi's front porch and stumbled into his living room. I saw Ali and Leon cuddled up together sleeping? then Leon's phone started to ring and I made a quick escape. I hide by the door to listen in.

L Hey babe

L what's wrong



L You know what? We're over! Goodbye!

Omigosh if that was vilu that means....VILU'S PREGNANT!???
"Fran I can see you!" said Leon. Uuh oh!!! I walked in smiling, "oh hi leon!" I mumbled. "You heard that didn't you? I just can't raise a child! Vilu's gone crazy! I just don't know what to do!" he blurted out. "Leon it'll be ok! Diego'll help vilu! You can look after....Alice?" I stuttered.

Violettas POV
I just can't believe leon! I told him I was pregnant with Diegos child and he freaked out and broke up with me! I told Diego and he's on his way over. I went to the doctors yesterday for a checkup on my amnesia and they found a baby when they took an ex ray!! I told them who's the father and they said Diego! I nearly died. I didn't though I just fainted!
Then Diego burst in. "Vilu! I love you soooo much!" he said running over to me and giving me a Hug. "they why'd you break up with me!?" I said sobbing. I was an emotional wreck. "I...I...I don't know!" he said kissing my head. I guess we were back together once again! I hugged him tight. How was I going to tell my dad!?

Alice's POV
I woke up on Leon's bed. Huh? "What happened last night" I said siting up. "nothing my love, I just brought you here after you fell asleep on maxi's sofa." he said smiling lovingly. "So you broke up with vilu then?" I said grinning. he nodded. Me and Leon and back together!!! ALIEON!!!

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