Mexico Girl

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Leon's POV

I just got back to Mexico from my weekend with vilu. We decided we should be apart until I come home in a year and if we find new love it's ok.. Ryan is now in jail and Alice and vilu Are back at the fixed up studio. I'm joining Studio 23! yeah I know the only difference will be the people!

I walked in the colourful doors, it was my first day all over again! I stood in the middle of the hallway and span around. As I stopped a girl appeared, "hi!! You must be new!! I'm Lara!" She chirped shaking my hand. "hi I'm Leon and yeah, it's my first day!" I chirped back, smiling. She was the first person id met and she was really nice! "Ha ha! So, what class are you in?" she giggled blushing, "here's my timetable." I looked and hers then mine, they were identical, she looked over my shoulder and squealed, "Omg! They're identical!" She then gave me a hug, "uh...sorry! Id better go now! See ya around!" Then she left. Right so my first class was dance! Cool a dance class with no gregorio! I ran into the changing room and there were some guys chatting. "hi.." I mumbled walking past them. "Hey new kid! I'm Jo, this is Vince and Sam!" a brown haired guy said pointing to a black haired guy and then a blonde. "yeah...ive got to get changed" I mumbled trying to find my trainers. "shy then? What's wrong with you? Cat got your tongue!?" questioned Sam- no Vince! "I'm not and I'm Leon!" I stated louder than I expected. they all stood back, "so mouse got a voice? Well Leon welcome to Studio 23!" smiled Jo. They all gave me bro hugs and we got ready for dance class.

Lara's POV

I just met the cutest guy EVER!!! And I think he likes me back! He'd better not have a gf, or I'll die! he's in all my classes and I have to talk to him again!!

I walked into Sandra's dance class and Leon, Jo, vincent and Sam were huddled together. They ran off into their places and Leon stood confused. I started to walk over to him, when Sarah came and linked arms with him and showed him where to stand!! Ugh!! that could've been me! "ok everyone! Uno dos treis!" shouted Sandra.

After class Leon was walking out alone again and I ran over to him this time. then SARAH APPEARED!! "hey Leon! Wanna go to the movies with me tonight!?" squeaked sarah. I stood further back listening. "sure Sarah! I'll pick you up at 6pm?" I know! I'd follow them I ruin their date by being beside then talking to them! "That sounds great! see ya!" she smiled draping her arms around him then kissing his cheek. Ewww! I guess he does have a girlfriend! 😔 but I won't let this date be a good one! I have my plan!😏 I stood there smirking in my thoughts and he just ignored me and walked out!! Rude!!

Violettas POV

Leon and I have broke up. We agreed long distance wouldn't work and it was only a year until he comes back.. me and Alice are back in the studio in a new room. She was overjoyed I brought her stuff! we are now bffs! "vilu I guess your missing Leon?" she said writing in her diary. she was so right, "no, we broke up so he's out of my life.." i Lied. "vilu don't lie to me! it's not like he's got another girlfriend already!" she mumbled. He probably has though! he's so attractive and I let him goo! "can we please stop talking about Leon!!" I blurted out frustratedly, "I'm going for a walk!" I ran out the door, I needed Some space.. I ran to Comerford park and sat on a bench to think. then I noticed someone was beside me! I was about to run when I noticed it was Marco! "here to think too?" he mumbled, "me and fran broke up...whats up with you?" he was certainly very forward, but I've always liked that about him.."just what's happened lately with Leon and and Leon broke up and Alice..." I mumbled. "it's ok don't cry! Everything's gonna be alright." He said smiling and putting his arm around me. Maybe Leon and I weren't meant to be! 😕

Studio 21 (editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora