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Mia's P.O.V

My fingers tightened their grip around the leather steering wheel I held as my eyes shifted to the review mirror where the place I once called home rested. The glistening glass of the skyscrapers winked at me, its way of saying goodbye. Goodbye to the girl who'd spent her entire life in the concrete jungle. It was where I learned to ride a bike, attended my first concert and earned my first broken heart. The city of Windsure held many memories, not all joyful but they were all memories I held close to my heart. Windsure was my first home but now I was in search of more. What exactly that more was I wasn't quite sure, though I had a faint idea.

Graduating from medical school was a great accomplishment but I couldn't understand why doing what I loved day after day didn't bring me as much joy as it once did. Only fully practicing medicine for two years I was sure my dissatisfaction was not the result of boredom seeing that nothing about my job as a ER doctor was boring and so after deep thought into my growing problem I figured it out. I wasn't disappointed with my job or performance as a doctor but I was disappointed with the fact that though I spent my days helping people in need my skills weren't being used to help people who really needed my help. Ninety five percent of the population of Windsure earned above six figures annually and no I'm not saying that me helping wealthy people recover from traumatic experiences didn't satisfy me it simply didn't feel completely right. I yearned to be where my skills were really needed, where I'd be able to make a real difference.

Blinking hard to clear the tears that had gathered in my eyes I focused on the lonely country lanes ahead of me. The sound of my tires gliding over the wet pitch blended into the random jazz song that leaked out of my cars speakers serenading my stiff body. The sun had long set allowing the moon and her friends to cast their warm glow on the ultramarine skies. The green giants that lined the lonely road swayed in the wind as if welcoming me to my new home. The automative voice of my gps informing me that I had reached my destination caused my heart to flutter in the oddest of ways when my eyes settled on the simple two story building that stood proudly before me. 'Clayton's Medical' precisely positioned in glowing letters at the top of the white building caused a tired smile to grace my glossed lips as I climbed out of my parked car and walked over to the main entrance.

"Pleasant good night ma'am how may I be of assistance?" A cheery accented voice asked the voice belonging to a young woman with striking blue eyes and what seemed to be a permanent smile stuck to her face.

"Good night I'm Mia the new ER doctor. I spoke to someone named Emile on the phone about coming here once I got in town." I dragged out doing my best to hide the fact that I was nervous and unsure if I'd made the right decision by moving to a town where I knew nobody and nothing much besides statistics I'd found on the website I'd purchased my house on.

After spending hours researching the small town of Clayton I knew stuff like the crime rate, the population, the name of the hospital I was going to be working at and the name of the street I'd be living on that was about it honestly and it was pathetic that I only now realized that I may have convinced myself to make the biggest mistake of my life.

"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you Mia we were all excited about your arrival. My name's Tracy I'm a nurse slash admittance clerk. By now you'd know we're horribly understaffed here so let me be the first to tell you that you coming to work with us is greatly appreciated. Especially with your qualifications." She gushed her smile brightening when she realized who I was. "I know it's late and I'm sure you'd be tired after your long drive so let's go I'll be taking you to your new home the real estate agent dropped off your keys here earlier." She informed me handing over a gold pair of keys which belonged to me once she rounded the desk.

"Thank you." I sighed returning a smile to the short blonde who led us out of the hospital.

Fifteen minutes later I stood outside my simple two bedroom home my eyes settling on the bland white walls making a mental note that they needed to be repainted. "I'll leave you to settle in and get some rest. Emilie will contact you in the morning about your tour of the town and hospital. Welcome to Clayton Mia I really do look forward to working with you. Have a great night." Tracy chimed pulling my attention away from my fully furnished house and to her smiling figure that now stood at the door.

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