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The next few days passed by as a blur.

Neither of us ate anything we just sat at the hospital.

Later, once they were officially pronounced dead the funeral was held.

Mrs. Park attended it, and it was just heartbreaking to see the both of them mourn the loss of their daughter and close friend.

Tae was orphaned at 6, Jimin's family had taken care of him since the age of 14.

Thus, the Park family didn't mourn the loss of one but also two.

I am trying to stay strong for all of us.

I am trying to numb the pain.

I don't find that too hard because this is similar to what happened to my brother a few years ago.

Reckless driving on one person's part can drastically affect the lives of many others.

In this is case, it was a delivery van of Park Enterprises that crashed into the two of them who were unfortunately the ones the bear the brunt.

It is just unfair.

Life's just unfair.

Both of them had finally attained a sense of inner peace.

They had found each other.

And then fate decides to go do this.

It's been a week since the incident.

Mrs. Park went back to Busan.

Jimin refuses to leave my apartment because his reminds him of his sister way too much.

I miss her.

As much as I try to deny it.

I miss her.

I miss him.

I miss them.

I miss our laughs.

I miss our silly banter.

I miss our friendship.

I miss it all.

I don't feel the same anymore.

I skipped college for three days but that only brought my mind back to the unfortunate incident.

I couldn't escape the sadness.

I can't escape the pain.

I tried to work longer hours at the cafe in an attempt to keep my thoughts busy, but memories of the four of us happily sitting around a table that's actually meant for two, us quarreling over whether Busan is prettier or whether Daegu is prettier since all of us had agreed that Seoul is the prettiest.

I miss us.

I miss them.

I miss her.

I miss him.

Jimin isn't the same anymore either.

He sits on a chair on the dining table that was previously occupied by his sister.

They would sit next to each other and have silly arguments which often turned physical.

He missed Tae.

Tae was the one person he completely and blindly relied on.

And his sister,

Well she was his sister.

She was his everything.

They moved here to start a new life.

To get a fresh start at life.

Jimin stopped all interaction and hardly ate.

I didn't eat much either.

Both of us were torturing ourselves.

I know that we have to stop.

I just don't know how.

How can such a big hole in my heart be filled?

How can I go back to living life like nothing happened?

When will this happen?

When will I be able to look at things without breaking down after remembering a memory attached to that.

The four of us were perfect.

We loved each other.

We were perfect.

We somehow managed to get along in every manner.

This wasn't the type of friendship in movies.

This was just a simple but at the same time, a complexly woven and intricately designed relationship.

We had the most different characters.

Rose was HAPPY.

Tae was JUMPY.


And I? I don't know. I somehow fit perfectly into this web.

We were perfect.

When I said I had enough fun to last me a lifetime, I didn't actually mean it.

Not many people attended the funeral.

Mrs. Park wanted to keep it a silent matter.

But the people that did come, had stories to tell.

About how Rose helped one person find a job, how she helped one man take care of his mother, how she once gave her textbooks to a young child.

She had impacted people's life in such a way that she will live on in their minds, hearts and souls.

One tiny girl came to the funeral with her hand in her dad's, she told a story of how Tae found her crying one day and spent the rest of the day with her taking her on rides and playing with her.

His actions definitely made the little girl into a kindhearted person.

Because really, a friend in need was a friend indeed.

That's when I realised instead of trying to forget about them, trying to fill the hole in my heart, I should learn from them.

I should let the hole in my heart take it's time to mend itself.

I want it to develop into a scar. (A/N WISHING ON A SCAR)

A scar reminding me of the first real friends I had.

The four of us were perfect.

We loved each other.

We were perfect.

I miss her.

I miss him.

I will miss her.

I will miss him.

I will miss us.


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