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"And... Done!." Jungkook yells!

The laptop screen displays, "Transfer of $12,000 successfully completed."

"That's it? No drama? Thrill? Nothing?" I said in a slightly put out tone.

I honestly was looking forward to some excitement. This is disappointing.

"What did you expect? A high speed car chase down a really crowded highway?" Jungkook sassily responds.

"Um no, yeah. Maybe?"

"Uh well, first off, good job Jungkook", Jungkook says patting himself.

I roll my eyes.

" Stop arguing children, here are the drinks. To this Heist. And more to come!" Jimin's says.

"M-More? More to come?" Jungkook is stunned.

"That's what they say in the movies!!!" Jimin says with a pout.

"Yeah in movies with high speed car chases." I add clinking my glass with Jimin's.


6 days later:

"Run! Jump in quick!" Jungkook yells as he starts the van.

I clutch the suitcase tightly in my arms.

The sound of the police alarms, coming closer and closer.

Jimin turns on his mobile and plays the latest news.

"These three behind the genius Heist of $10,000,000 from 'Park Finances?"

Below the headlines was a video of the three of us laughing before we entered the bank.

"We look like absolute imbeciles." Jimin says with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up, what if they recognise us?" I said wiping Jimin's smirk off his face.

"No guys, chill. That's the only evidence they have. We've done a really good job covering our tracks!" Jungkook said as he sharply swerved the van to the right entering a narrow street. Crossing 80 miles per hour, he suddenly slammed on the brakes making another sharp turn.

"I think we've lost them" Jimin comments.

"Not so easily" Jungkook responds turning into another alley.

"Yeah, Jimin $10,000,000 is a large amount! They won't let us go so easily. I just hope everything goes according to plan now." I reply.

Also you might be wondering, how $60,000 got upgraded to ten million dollars? Um well let's just say, my finger slipped when I was making the transaction the last time?

The Heist- A Park Jimin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now