Chapter 8-My First science A

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Chapter 8-My first Science A

9 days Until Red Moon Technically eight and fourteen hours.

"Okay, Ms.White since you only showed up, here's your test and go. I am very proud of your marks lately. Looks like David has really helped you and from what I hear through the grape vine at school, you both helped each other." She winked. Aww...that's nasty. I took my paper and she gave me David's because I was going to his house. I got an eighty five percent! Man...the first A ever in science.

I'm running shit.

I went to my locker and pulled on my jacket. I flipped up my hood because it was snowing early. I walked outside going to my car and then driving off to David's house.

Dominic's POV:

Man, I feel like shit. Like real shit. I've tried everything; thinking about Jesse in the shower, in bed. I just couldn't find my release. This damn red moon has my body all fucked up. And it's even worse because Jesse is not here.

Finally, after a while I got up from my room shoving on a pair of jeans and a sweater and went downstairs. David must of gave Courtney the house key because she stepped inside.

"Hi Dominic!" She said happily. Even though I couldn't be with her...being her friend was better.

"Hey Court." I smiled back.

"Where are you headed?" She asked.

"I'm going out to get some chips and stuff."

"Can you pick me up some blue gatorade and salt and vinegar chips?" She asked. I remember her weird combos.

"Yea, no problem." I agreed. I really wasn't going out for that. I was going to see Jesse. I got into my car and drove to Jesse's house. Yes I knew where it was because I drove David there multiple times.

Along the car ride I groaned and moaned in pain. Man, this is the one downfall to being a wolf. Waiting for this damn red moon to come.

I tried to take my attention away by looking at the snow falling. It's late October, I know we live in British Columbia but I don't remember it coming this early. After a while I just blasted music to try ad take the pain off my mind.

Luckily I soon came to Jesse's house. I opened my car door and locked it and walked up the steps. I knocked on the door and I heard footsteps inside.

To my luck Jesse opened it.

"Dominic? What the hell are you doing here?" He asked. I couldn't help but stare. His brown hair was bed headed messy saying he was laying in bed. He wore no shirt but pyjama bottoms. I was right he was skinny but he had some muscle tone to him. He wasn't that tall compared to my six foot five. His light soft brown eyes were full of confusion and his lips were parted.

"Hello? Do you need something? Or does Dave need something?" He asked. I couldn't help myself but step forward and grab his face pressing his lips against mine. God what was I doing? I liked girls my whole life until this year.

I nipped at his bottom lip with my canines to receive the sexiest moan ever made by someone. I delved inside exploring his mouth that tasted like minty toothpaste. He dug his nails into my upper arms, as I kept both hands on either side of his perfect face. Finally, I let go leaving him blinking very fast.

"What the hell was that?" He asked.

"I gave you what you wanted and what I wanted. There's more were that came from for next Friday." I promised. The cute blush appeared on his cheeks as I turned and walked away.

Hilary's POV:

I needed Parker. So badly...I hungered for her touch, her voice...everything. I climbed the ladder to the side of her house and knocked on her window. She opened it and stuck her head out.

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