17. C H A L A G Y A - G O N E

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Haniyah took a deep breath as she walked through the doors of their new house. It felt amazing knowing that this was going to be the place that they were going to make new memories. This was going to be their new home. It was the time that they left the house where bad memories laid for both lovers.

Finally, after a month spent at the hospital, Haniyah was able to leave. During the period that she was in the hospital, she and her husband had discussed that it was better for them to move from Aaban's childhood home into a house where they will create a new home with their own little family. Haniyah smiled as she placed a hand on her stomach. They were having a baby and nothing else mattered. In the midst of the chaos that was taking place in their lives, this was a little ray of sunshine. Their little ray of sunshine.

Unfortiontaly, Hnaiyah's mother was still in ICU battling for her life. It killed her to see her lying almost lifeless in that hospital bed.

Her brothers had also come to the hospital the moment Aaban had called them. Zuber had taken the first flight from Pakistan when Aaban had explained the situation that took place. When, almost a year ago, their father had gotten his bay sister married, he had left for Pakistan. Adam had rushed from his university where his sister and mother were admitted.

The three siblings had an emotional breakdown as they hugged each other as they looked at their mother's lifeless body laying on that bed.

Hnaiyah smiled as she remembered when she told her brothers that they were gonna be mamas. How her brothers had exclaimed loudly and laughed as they rushed to hug the joyous couple.

Haniyah and Aaban made their way upstairs into their new room. Aaban slowly laid his wife down, he kissed her lightly on her forehead and made his way to his new office and began setting it up.

Back in their room where the mother to be laid her mind began to wonder

She was curious about how Aaban had known Adele from their walimah. It was a question she remembers asking him that night.

The drive home was quiet as the drove. Haniyha's mind still thinking about the ring.

Heading up to their room, with the help of Asiya, and Barakah, Aaban sister. Haniyah sat on their bed and took the box from the pile of gifts by their bed and opened it back up, she pulled out the ring and stared at it, many thoughts ran through her mind,

How can he give me this ring? I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him, nor do I think I'll be able to ever wear this ring, I can't.

She was so into her thoughts she didn't notice Aaban had walked into the room.

"What makes this ring so special?" He sat down beside me, startling her.

"It was his mother's, it was the only thing left for him." She smiled sadly

She looked up at Aaban, "but how do you know him?" His eyes turned black, as he shook his head, "that's a story of another day." He got up and made his way to the closet, he came out and handed Haniyah a shirt and tights. She thanked him and stood up making her way to their ensuite.

She knew that this wasn't a question he would want to hear right now therefore she left it in the air and with her curiosity.

As he came into the room, he made his way and sat next to her, wrapping his arms around her body. The tears flooded in her eyes and before she knew it she was crying and she didn't know why, so she just blamed it on her pregnancy hormones.

"don't cry" his grip on his wife tightened " I killed that that man, he's never going to bother us again." He kissed her forehead "your mom's going to get better and everything will be okay. Allah will make everything fine again." Haniyah crawled onto his lap, to calm him down as she saw the blaze in his eye flame up like it had been in the warehouse that day.

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