Chapter One - It is you...!

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(Y/N)'s POV:

         I walked home. It was cruddy night. Cold. Chilled me, almost, to the bone. At least the stars were visible. I looked towards the moon, it smiled upon me, sharing it's light on my distant world. There were no clouds to be seen across the sky, only slight clutters of dust in the distance.
        I could faintly hear something in the distance, frantic taps, which sounding like a false rhythm. Closer they became, panicked footsteps. I heard somebody panting. That can't possibly be me, can it? I thought to myself. No, it has to be somebody else. Are they okay? Maybe I should check it out! But I stopped myself. Remember all of those movies, horror movies, you used to watch?! I yelled at myself. You can't do that, that is a one way ticket to "I AM FUCKED," town... My common sense started to kick in. I wanted to run in the other direction.  The footsteps become closer, I could hear two faint voices in the distance. I looked in all directions, searching for another explanation for the sound.
   In spite of myself, I ran toward the noises. The cold air made me pant, too. I was wearing a heavy coat. It rustled with the wind. As I ran, they got louder. The pressure inside my chest built, I was scared. Scared of the unknown. Unknown, what is around the corner? I ran past the street sign and collided with another being. We landed near an ally.
     "Hey, are you okay? I am so sorry," I said, I reached my hand out to grab the person, who had fallen on the floor. It... it's you! I knew who that girl was. She had been missing for a while now.
     The person I collided into looked up at me, she look panicked. Then, an expression of relief came upon her face after releasing it was me. "(Y/N)?" She questioned me, loudly whispering my name. A cloud of water vapor came from her mouth. Her complexion turned into a ghost's, dead and cold.
     "Yui... is that really you? Where did you go?" I questioned her, but I was on my knees, kneeling next to her. I missed her. She was my only friend. Nobody else liked me... because they said that I was "odd". Whatever that means... I guess.
     She looked pain. "You have to leave, now," she told me, in a soft voice. "You don't understand what is here, they- they're-" she stopped, "he's here." Yui's pitches raised. She sounded absolutely desperate for some sort of salvation.
     I stopped to stare at her for but a moment, when I felt a slight touch to my shoulder. Shuttered, and was quick to my feet, I tried to grab whatever had landed on me. I soon realized what had touched me- a boy. "Who are you? Why are you here?" I, now, was on the defense.
     A look of disgust ran across my face, it seemed to please him. "Your (S/C) skin looks so beautiful, being reflected in the moonlight," he smiled. "I'm getting exciting just thinking about it."
     "Are you not going to answer my questions?" He looked surprised. He glanced into my eyes, the windows to the soul, and simple laughed.
    "Laito," an arrogant-toned voice yelled. "Who is she?" More footsteps ran up behind the boy named 'Laito'.
     "I really don't know, but she was talking with little Bitch," the first boy said, who's name I presumed was Laito. "You know, Ayato, she could be fun." Laito ran his fingers through my hair, I flinched.
     Ayato, the second boy, looked confused. "Yeah, but we still don't know who the hell she is," he complained, but sounded aroused.
     My hair was moved by a swift motion behind me. I felt a warm breath, one that chilled my spine. "She is beautiful," another voice said. "Her hair, it's like silk. Her skin, porcelain. How I wouldn't mind making you into a doll, would you like that?" The voice grabbed my neck and squeezed. "If you refuse I can kill you right here, right now," he giggled to himself. "Isn't that right, Teddy?"
       I struggled to get out of his grasp. He eventually let me go. I backed myself against an alley wall and peered at the three, Yui still lying on the ground in disbelief.
"Please," Yui pleaded to Ayato, with the red hair. "Don't hurt her, we used to go to school together, before I was sent to you," she stood up now and held Ayato's arm. Tears started to pour from Yui's eyes as she begged to keep me safe.
"Alright, Pancake," he said, "tell me her name then, doesn't sound like she wants to cooperate," a sadistic smirk creeped onto his face as he looked at me.
     Yui looked surprised for a moment, "her name is (F/N) (L/N)," she whispered. She appeared to be uncomfortable. "We were friends, she was the only person who bothered to look at me," her crimson eyes glistened in the moonlight.
     The 3 boys looked at each other. "I still don't understand why she's here. Why would a human be out this late anyway?" The boy with the purple hair asked. "If you refused to answer, (Y/N), you'll have to be punished. Isn't that right, Teddy?" The boy sadistic peered down towards his teddy bear, which he held close to his chest.
       I backed away, farther down the alley way. I wanted to get as far away from those freaks as possible. It was dark. My arm was grabbed fiercely by another. This time, it was a boy who has silver hair. He looked at me in disgust. There were wrinkles on his forehead. I was stunned.
        "Who the hell are you?" He asked. I was still at the sound of his voice. My heart skipped a beat. My stomach filled with butterflies.
     "What about my question? Why are you here?" The boy with the purple hair asked. He grasped his teddy bear, seeming like he wanted to strangle it.
    "I work," I said. I now stared into the eyes of the boy with silver hair. My arms started to ache, I could feel the pain pulsating. "I am (Y/N)."
     Clouds now covered up the moon. All light that I had was the opening to the alley way where a lamp shown down on the 6 of us. The silver haired boy released me, I fell back onto the wall.
     El Ayato came up to me and grabbed me by my hair. "Soft," he whispered, "I'm claiming you."
    The boy with the white hair looked enraged, "you can't just claim her, you fucking-" he stopped. I had cut him off. He was on the defensive.
    Laito walked up to us, "aw~ isn't that cute.  Subaru's face is all red. Admit it, little brother, you like what you see," he teased. Is he talking about me?!
     "Nobody can claim anybody..." I whispered, ignoring my thoughts. Shocked, he glared at me with a death stare. I could feel my inferiority climax.
      With that, Ayato laughed and sent me off to sleep. I drifted off. The last thing I remember was landing on the cold, wet floor. The last thing that
I saw was him laughing. Soon, the audio drifted away. I could see his fading face uttering inaudible words to the other boys.

【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now