Chapter 17 - Stone and Plastic

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(Nobody's POV):

      There was a firm knock on the room door. "Mother! Are you there? Open up!" It was Subaru, he was knocking at Christa's door. The door slowly crawled open. It wasn't Christa, but it was a servant who specially worked with Christa.

"How may I help you?" The nurse said, she looked like she was about to faint. She hadn't slept in quite a while.

"Where's Christa?" shouted Subaru. He was enraged. The smell of (Y/N)'s blood laced into the letter shook him to his core.

     The nurse stuttered she did not know what to say, until a hand graced her shoulder and beckoned her away. The hand was pale. The hand belonged to Christa. She whispered in the nurse's ear to disperse.

     Subaru threw his hands up in the rage, "where is she?" He yelled at his mother. Christa smiled. She caressed his hair. He shuttered at her touch. Her soft hands rand down his neck, into his shoulders. Christa's touch was warm.

     "Calm down for a second... and you'll see," she gave him a hug. Her arms rubbed Subaru's back. He quivered. "It's been so long since you came to visit..." she began to cry into his chest.

     "I only came to visit because the blood of (Y/N) was on that goddamn letter you sent me. Now, where is she?" Subaru demanded, he pushed his mother out of the way, and progressed into the room.

"Subaru.... you shouldn't-... she's..." Christ whined in vain. She was leaning against a wall. The door slammed hard in her face. Subaru and pushed her out of the room and closed the door.

While inside the room, Subaru glanced around. His eyes landed on a bed, and on that bed, there was a human-sized lump under the blankets. His heart was hit with a moment of shock as the creature breathed. Subaru trotted over to the side of the bed. (Y/N) was laying there.

(Y/N) was not conscious. Her breathes were slow, and shallow. (Y/N) moaned as she exhaled. Her eyes were still, her chest feebly moved up and down, her chest was pale, and her face was red.

    Subaru placed his hand on her forehead. His lips handed on the tip of her nose. Her nose was cold. Subaru ran his fingers through her hair. (Y/N) did not move an inch.

Subaru's POV:

     I watched as she took in breath after breath. (Y/N) refused to wake up. She was sound asleep. Where did the blood come from? I removed the blanket. She was wearing a white nightgown. Somebody must have changed her. There were no signs of blood, or a wound.

    My eyes wandered down to her arm. My heart sunk with terror. My being was cast over by dread. Her hand had turned to stone, and the lower portion of her arm was vantablack. The black that was growing on her arm did not reflect any light, but it seemed to glow a snake-like green. There were no shadows. It looked like a black hole was glowing on her arm. Is she... turning to stone?

    As if no time passed at all, the door reopened. It was my mother. She looked distraught as she saw me holding (Y/N)'s stone hand. "There are many things I need to explain," mother looked down towards the floor.

"Well, then, what are you waiting for," I looked at the stone hand that was in between two of my own hands. My tears dripped onto the black that consumed (Y/N)'s arm.

"She pricked her finger, on a rose. That rose had venom on it. It was venom from a demon world snake. If somebody gets venom from that kind of snake, they will slowly turn to stone. I do not know why the venom was laced into the rose, but I know that somebody did it on purpose..." Christa explained to me. She walked over and put her hand on my shoulder. I cried. "She's only just asleep now, she should wake up in due time. She'll be conscious until the venom reaches her heart."

"How long 'til that happens?" I questioned my mother. The black had progressed an inch up her hand, stone began to appear at the base.

"With how fast she's progressing... I would say at least 3 days." Her voice was weak, feeble. She didn't want to speak the harsh reality. "Could be more, could be less."

I hate roses. They mean bad luck. Roses are just an excuse for people to be pure and happy, while in reality they are dying. Roses are nothing but lies. Roses wilt. They wilt quickly. Wilting is something nobody can avoid. My mother, case and point.

"What do I have to do... to help her?" I stopped speaking, I could feel my heart pushing every once of red sorrow into my veins. If she doesn't know, I know who would.

An unexpected voice spoke, "there is no definite cure for a wound such as the one she received. Perhaps, if you acquire stronger abilities, you may be able to free her via a spell," a man spoke. I looked behind me, and there he was, my father.

Why is he here? Does he have any business coming here? "Old man, why are you here?" I yelled at him, so loud that my vocals cracked.

"I live here, do I not?" He chuckled at me. Father took a step closer to me, Mother and (Y/N).

"Oh," my mother signed with relief, "you're here, my love, I was wondering when-" I had cut her off.

"Why would you ever call that- that thing your love? That's one thing about you I will never understand..." I clicked my tongue at my own mother. Christa had pushed herself onto Heinz, he invited her into a warm embrace. Husband and wife.

"If you want to save the life of your lover, then I suggest that you cease the bickering and get to work," my father looked down at my. Christa wrapped her arms around his waist. She nuzzled her face into his chest.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I snapped back at my father, but his figure had faded into the air before I could blink. My mother was left bewildered. The room was empty besides for us three, me, my mother and (Y/N).

I ignored the sudden disappearance of my father. Turning my back to face my love, I held her hand some more and looked into her closed her. She looked peacefully. I cradled (Y/N)'s head into my arms. Open your eyes... for me.

【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt