Chapter 15 - Curiosities

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I stood, staring at the darkness that fell from above me. It had the same texture as sand. It touchdown me. I was scared. I knelt down and screams. My hands tore and pulled at my hair. Warm tears dripped down the side of my face.

       "You seem troubled," the man added, "might I ask why?" The darkness lingered, I could only hear the man's voice. Finally, it faded, and the room become clear.

     "Well," I started, I lost the ability to spit out my words. I stuttered. "For... starters... I don't even know your name! Who the hell are you? And where are we?" I started to yell, I could hear my heart thump graciously out of my chest.

The man smirked down to me, "my name is Karl Heinz," a great pleasure was an underlying tone in his voice. Karl Heinz looked down at me, who was sitting on her knees weekly on the floor. My feeble arms were fighting to go limp as I held them to my chest. "You are here because you and my son are lovers. A special somebody wanted to meet you. She got word of your and my son's love, and she couldn't help but be excited," he knelt down. We were now at eye level.

"Who is this special somebody?" I questioned. Now that the darkness faded, I could clearly see the room. There was a fire hearth, a couch and a bed. "And where are we?"

"Why, we are in your new room. I decided that since you'll be staying here for a while, I might as well bring you here first. Do you not like it? It was customized to your taste..." the walls were lined with (F/C) wallpaper. The ceiling reflected paintings of (insert). My eyes traveled with awe. There were diamonds invested into the wallpaper. Pure (C) diamonds. White roses were bolstered in containers on either side of the bed. The sheets were wool, and cotton.

"Sir. Karl Heinz," I gasped, "why are you doing this? Who is that woman you were talking about? Why are you only answering one of my questions and disregarding the other!? C'mon man!" I yelled at him, I couldn't help to contain my inquisition.

Now at eye level with me, Karl Heinz blessed my cheek with a gentle caress from his hand. I shuttered, and twitched. Chills went down my spine and through the ends of my hair. His soft, gentle fingers grasped my chin with a soft pressure. He pulled my face in, landing a smooch on my eyelid. His lips were cold, but the stain, warm. I attempted to pull myself backwards, but he reeled me back in. Leaning in, he whispered into my ear, "shh... I know you don't want to get punished, now, do you?"

Fear took over once more. "What do you mean?" Tears streamed from my eyes.

"You'll see, eventually, my dear," he chuckled, "but for now I need you to follow me. That woman that your so curious about, she has been waiting to meet you for quite some time," he stood up, lightly yanking my arm along with him.

The etchings on the door were gold, silver and steel. Heinz placed his fingers onto the door knob. He opened the door to reveal a, what seemed to be, never-ending hallway. The carpets were blue, while the carpets in the room were stained a bloody red. The moonlight shone through the webbed windows. Spiders crawled from the corners. Silhouettes of bats peeked and created mile-long shadows. I was still on the ground, watching the scene unfold before my eyes.

      "My lady," Heinz whispered, "won't you follow me?" He paused, he outstretched his hand. I was hesitant to even look at his pale white skin. I felt that if I looked at him for too long I would become stone. "If you are unable to walk, I will be able to carry you."

      My heart sunk, "I can walk!" I shouted at him. Shit...! He said that if I yell again, I'd get punished... maybe he'll let it go? I stood up with haste. My knees felt weak, my arms were heavy. I felt my own palms, they were a tad bit sweaty. The fire was on, full blast.

     "Good," Heinz looked down at me. He was tall, a giant. He towered over me. He was the moon, looking down at earth, and I felt like an insect, unable to do anything. "Follow me, my lady."

    I walked behind him. Despite not wanting to get close, I trailed behind him within a short proximity. Every so often there was a large bat in the window. The paintings' eyes followed me wherever I were to turn. Why are the paintings following me? Oh my god... I heard a woman's giggle. There was a painting, the woman in the painting had purple hair and green eyes. She was the only female portrait in the vicinity, so I had no option but to assume that it was her making the giggling sounds.

    "Sir," I started.
    "Yes, m'lady?"

    "Why are the portraits making noises?" I questioned, my inquisition seemed to go over the top of his head. Either that, or he's ignoring me.

    Karl Heinz stopped, I did, too. I was clinging onto his arm to avoid the walls and the windows. "They are that way because the dead never die," he explained, "the photos are a way for the deceased to communicate with the living."

    "What do you mean?!" I shouted out in fear. My scream echoed through the halls. All of the portraits were giggling now. Their voices ricocheted off of the walls of my mind. I heard there delayed echoes in my ear, almost like a ringing. My vision became blackened once again. The voices of the paintings blended into one. I saw figures crawling out of them. People- no, not people. Monsters were walking down on either side of the hallway.

     At last, I heard a deep laugh. It wasn't not one of the meshed paintings', but one of Karl Heinz. "And I thought that you would be pleasant to talk to.... I'm sorry, but... you ask too many questions, my dear...." he chuckled in between in words. His eyes were covered by his hair. The laughing turned into screaming, from the portraits. I grabbed my hair and formed myself into a ball on the floor. Screaming. It echoed off of my walls, on the inside of my core. "I'll have to put you to sleep for now."

    I attempted to rip the demons out of my head. My head was my first victim. I clawed at my hair. It's all in my head, it's all in my head iTs AlL iN My HeAd... ITS ALL IN MY HEAD, ITS ALL IN MU HEAD. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "ITS NOT REAL, ITS ALL IN MY HEAD!" I began to cry as I screamed. I was being tormented. I looked up, the smiling Karl Heinz faded. He blended into the darkness that took me away from the Mukami brothers before.

Maybe it's not just all in my head...

【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now