Chapter Seven - Little Red Riding Hood

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Nobody's POV:

With the sound of the school bell, all of the students exited their classrooms. Trying to dodge as many people as possible, (Y/N) jolted down the hallways. She turned hard against a corner.

(Y/N)'s foot got caught on something that was laying on the floor. The 'something' groaned, "... troublesome..." it was Shuu. He decided to sleep on the hallway floor.

On her knees now, (Y/N) looked at Shuu, she backed herself to the center of the hallway. "Why are you laying on the ground?" She questioned.

Footsteps could be heard rounding the corner. A tall figure towered over her. "What are you doing?" Asked Reiji. "There should be no reason why you are sitting with this bum," (Y/N) looked up at Reiji, she looked horrified. "You smell like one of those halfbreed Mongols," he leaned down to grab (Y/N)'s collar. "What's this? Shuu, do you know anything?"

"Don't look at me. I didn't do it. I was sleeping until she ran over me," confessed Shuu. He opened his eyes for once in his life.

       Reiji glanced back down at (Y/N), "you should watch your step. Stand up," he ordered her. "Come to the car, we will speak about the mark later," he dragged her down the hallway, away from Shuu.

"Wait- Reiji... you have to stop. This hurts...! Reiji... Reiji!" (Y/N) was yelling. She tried to pry Reiji's hands off of herself. She stopped walking. Refusing to go along, Reiji scoffed. The sky greyed. Disappearing, the moon and the stars said their farewell to the girl.

"You dare to defy a vampire... of the Sakamaki household?" He looked forward, not taking a second to glance back at (Y/N). It wasn't worth it. Disappointment reigned in the air. "It can't be helped," sighed Reiji, "I'll have to thoroughly punish you when we return."

Subaru's POV:

Pacing back and forth in the lonely corridor, I whispered to myself, filthy, useless, unwanted, dirty, unclean... impure. Filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, FILTHY, FILTHY!!!That's all I am. I don't deserve a beauty like (Y/ N). She's better off without me, especially if I'm dead. Kou's right, in another way then expected. (I'm filthy). I'm a wolf, feeding off of my prey, secretly trying to woo it. It will never work out... I am the wolf (I am filthy), she's little red riding hood. Innocent. Pure. Beautiful. Clean. Wanted. Useful. She's everything I'm not. I unknowing started to cry while leaning against a wall. "SHE'S EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE! I AM FILTHY. FILTHY, I TELL YOU. THERE IS NO WAY SHE'LL EVER AGREE TO LOVE SOMEBODY AS FILTHY AS I AM...!" I screamed to myself.

Never agree. Agree. I laughed to myself. Maybe she doesn't have to agree. No, what am I thinking? I can't do that to her. She's a white rose, she'll wilt, she'll break, she'll become a shell of what she once was. She'll become my mother... I can't. I heard footsteps walk up behind me. I turned my head to see the embodiment of my hatred.

"My son," said father, "tell me, what has you so upset?" He didn't smile, he didn't frown, he looked concerned. He stood at the top of the staircase, inches from falling. It's all fake. His expression is fake. His concern is fake,

Disregarding the question, I just yelled back at him, "why the hell do you care?"

"I should have known, it is that woman. Crying onto a wall isn't going to gain her love. Court her, persuade her, spoil her, passion her, love her, touch her," father said to me. His advice... he's only giving me the tip of the iceberg. That's just the least that he did to my mother to make her that way. I can't bring myself to do something as cruel as that to (Y/N). It's rare to find a flower, it has already started to wilt. I have to preserve it whether she likes it or not. "Your mother is worried about you. She wants to know why you haven't responded to her letters or accepted her ball invitations. You know how she is without you, correct? ... Why the silence? Have I touched a nerve?"

Can he read my mind? "What are you talking about, old man?" I stormed away, I refused to be brainwashed by that man. He will always be my main loath in this world. How dare that man bring up my mother at a time like this. He wants to piss me off, doesn't he...? ... yes, I'll kill for you, mother. Flashbacks played through my mind, those terrible scenes.

(Y/N)'s POV:

        Ominously staring down at me, Reiji held a whip. "Hold our your arms," he tapped the whip on his hands. His room was darker than expected. The windows were covered, only one lamp remained on. "This is your punishment for going against my will... and that bite mark, I have come to the conclusion that it is none of our's... you shall also be punished for being a useless whore. Be thankful," the whip cracked on my skin. Instantly, blood started to gush.

         I could feel the blood running now my arms, onto my elbows, soon dripping down to cover my feet. "One... two... six... twelve..." Reiji counted the harsh lashes. Each one getting harder, each one cutting deeper into me. I was crying, sobbing. The wounds were being spread, opening more and more. "That's right... cry like the useless vermin you have become!" He laughed at me, "you're tears look delicious."

       Watching him, I instantly knew what was on his mind. "Are you done...? M-may I leave, sir? Please I'm begging you...!" My pleased turned into a sharp scream. I had been pushed down onto the bed. Reiji was hovering above me. "What would Subaru say...?!"

"Seems to me he doesn't care about that foreign mark on your neck, if I had to guess, he wouldn't care if a familiar face did the same," I could feel Reiji's tongue graze my eyelashes. "Exquisite..." he moaned onto me. His deep voice piercing my ears. Skipping my neck. He held out my blooded wrists. Sniffing me, Reiji chose a place to bite, directly into a vein.

"Stop it! Please! I'm begging you! Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop...! STOP!" I pulled my hands away from Reiji, rolled myself onto the floor. I refused to looked at him, I ran out of his room.

I made a lot of noise running down those long hallways. I didn't know where I was going, this place was still as foreign as ever. I have to find Subaru... wait, why do I want to find him? He'll do the same thing... but with Subaru it's different. More pleasant.

I could hear more footsteps coming from around the corner. We clashed. I fell to the ground with a thud, glancing up at my collider. "What the hell...?" Came the voice of Ayato. "You better watch where you're going, cupcake." He stopped to kneel down at me. "Reiji, huh? Can't say I agree with some of his kinks... but right now, you smell so delicious. I should thank him for preparing you this way. Your fear is like a marinade..." his loud voice turned to a hush whispered, "I can smell it... it is alluring... so very sweet," he grabbed my shoulder's, looking down at me, forcing me to be uncomfortably pressed against a wall.

      "Let go of me!" It's happening again. I can't keep doing this? Is this what Yui goes through...? Being tossed around by rape-vibe vampires. Is she okay in the head? "You can't do this to me! It's insane! Stop!" I've said 'stop' so many times, it is meaningless. Maybe they have heard it so many times, that it is permanently meaningless to them, too. "Stop..." I attempted to cry, there was nothing left in me.

Ayato didn't hesitate to dig deep into me. He grabbed my arms with a force I'll never forget, pushing me into the wall. The site of the bite was cold, but I could feel my hot blood seeping out of me, into him. Should I even feel violated anymore? Is it worth it? Maybe if I'm numb... it will all go away... yeah, it will all go away... if I play along, it can't hurt me. It can't hurt me. It can't hurt me. It WON'T HURT ME.... it won't hurt me. Finally, mustering a tear, I let my emotions fall to the ground with it.

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【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now