Chapter Five - Sleep

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Nobody's POV:

      A knock was forced onto the door. Reiji's muffled voice could be heard. "Subaru, are you in there? Ugh- (Y/N) isn't in her room, I'm coming in," said Reiji. He opened the door to see the lid to the coffin still closed. "I guessed right. Her scent is strong in here."

     Cracking, the lid to the coffin door opened. "How dare you ruin my precious sleep..." Subaru's hair was sticking to his face. He had been sweating.

        "Your sleep does not concern me in the slightest," scolded Reiji, he looked down into the coffin to see (Y/N) sleeping next to Subaru. Her face and hair were perfect, as it ever was. "I see that this young lady doesn't understand manners. Subaru, if she doesn't behave herself she can't live with us. You have to be ready for school in an hour. We aren't waiting for you."

        "Just get the hell out... I'll wake her up... and what do you think we were doing? You're just a goddamn sadist..." and with that, Reiji left the room. Subaru stood up, stepping out of the coffin. He looked down to see the beautiful (Y/N) staring back up at him.

       She leaned up, putting her arm on the rim of the coffin. Glancing towards the window, she looked puzzled. "Why are we up at such a late time...? I'm exhausted..." she moaned.

      Subaru laughed. "We are vampires. How many times do I need to say it? Eh~ brush your hair. School's in an hour. If you miss again, Reiji might just kill you," her eyes widened. She stood up immediately. Her face crashed into the ground as she tripped over the wall of the coffin.

       "You saw nothing..." she looked up towards Subaru. (Y/N) tried to play it off like nothing happened. With pity, Subaru decided to ignore the fall. Instead, he tossed a brush atop of her. "You didn't have to do that... I got the message." (Y/N) stumbled standing up. Her joints were stiff and locked from sleeping in the coffin. She had been curled up in a ball.

Subaru walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. (Y/N) was obedient, and brushed her hair. Once Subaru came out, they both left his room together. There was small talk throughout the hallways, nothing of importance.

The entry hall was bright, even though it was the dead of night. Yui and the brothers were there, some sitting some standing. "Hi," mumbled (Y/N). Other than a greeting, she had no idea what to say. They were all freaks of nature.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Of course, Laito was the first to walk up to (Y/N). "I hope you slept well~ it would be a shame if a cute human girl like you doesn't get her beauty sleep," he sang. Laito tipped his hat. Unexpectedly, he placed his hat on (Y/N)'s head.

(Y/N) grabbed the hat. "I'm sorry... but I don't need your hat..." she told Laito, taking the hat off and giving it to him.

"Why are women so ungrateful and complicated?" Kanato yelled across the room. "It was a nice gesture... and you just refused it... say, Teddy, how should we punish her?" he laughed.

"Maybe we could put her in an Iron Maiden. I would enjoy seeing spikes go through her body. It would be intriguing," suggested Ayato. He appeared behind (Y/N).

"Can you three ever shut up...? It's hard enough to sleep around here, with you blabbing all the time... it's troublesome," yawned Shuu. He was sleeping on one of the couches.

"Now's not the time for playing around. The car has arrived, everybody, make your way outside," announced Reiji. He directed everybody into the car. Reiji left little room for disobedience.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I sat next to Subaru, against a window in the back of the car. He had his arm around me. Why are they all staring at me? Did I do something wrong? I felt a tug on my arm. "Hey, why don't you sit with me?" Ayato looked at me, he was the one yanking on my arm.

"I'll pass..." I whispered. Why does he have to pull me so hard? Is he that desperate? Just leave me alone. I really need to go home. I pulled my arm away from Ayato, he looked personally offended.

"Leave her alone, Ayato," Subaru budded in. He grabbed both of my arms, pulling me back into him. I was resting against his chest. "She said that she'll pass, what don't you get?"

     "Chill, Subaru, you don't have to be so rough with a lady like that," Laito decided to bud into the conversations. He reached over Subaru, caressing my hair, twirling it in his fingers. "She could always join me~ fufu," he whispered into my ears. I pulled away from the three of them, I landed in the middle of the isle.

"Look at yourself, honestly," sighed Reiji. He looked down at me in disappointment. There was a tightening in my chest.

Kanato laughed at me laying on the floor. "I don't see a problem with how she looks. It's so pathetic that it amuses me," he, too, grabbed me arm. Unlike his brothers, Kanato pushed me down to the ground further. He dropped his bear on the side of us.

Shuu budded in, "oh, look..." he yawned. "We're near. Ha... time passes quickly," he dozed off once again. He rested his head on the cushion of the seat.

     I felt a sudden jolt as the car came to a stop. My back slammed into the floor. I could hear the triplets laughing at me. "Enough of this nonsense... how many times do I need to repeat myself?" shouted Reiji. How many times am I going to fall today? It's so embarrassing... the fist fall was bad enough, now I have six more witnesses... I could see Yui awkwardly smile as she stepped from the car.

      Once all of the brothers exited the car, I took a moment to stand up. I looked out, wondering whether or not I should leave, stay or try to escape. "What the hell is taking you so long?" I could hear Subaru from outside. I looked out, his brothers had already disappeared inside of the school.  Before I could even open my mouth, the door slammed shut. The lights dimmed. I was still on the ground.

    "Subaru... I'll be up in a minute... I'm still in shock that this isn't a dream..." I looked up at him. Subaru was in the car with me. He pulled the curtains to cover the limousine's windows. I leaned up, trying not to enrage him further. That would be a disaster. I had one arm on the seat when he pushed me down.

      I felt his nails digging into my shoulders. "I want to enjoy you more... before those idiots can. Open your mouth again," he sniffed my hair, breathing into my ear. Tingles ran down my spine. Of course, I had to do what he said. I felt his warm tongue wrap around mine.

      His fangs pierced my tongue, he was taking blood from me there. I receded under his embrace. The tight hold he had on me turned into a comfortable embrace. His hands supported my neck and my waist. Pulling me downs him, he leads his lips down to my neck, gently sucking, not biting. I started to let out a quiet moan, it tickled. He packed at my neck, dragging his lips across. Eventually, he chose a spot to bite me. Subaru bit into me like an apple.

"You're still moaning...?" he whispered onto me. "You must really like this... I know most humans hate this.... nh..." he bit into me harder. I grabbed the jacket on his back. The pain traveled through my neck, down to my chest and arm. It was radiating through my body.

"Subaru... I can't..." my vision was starting to fade, I could feel every heart beat throughout every inch of my body. My breaths started to shake. Subaru let go of my laying me down on the floor again. I saw him on top of me, he leaned in, giving me one last kiss before I drifted off into sleep.

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【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now