Chapter Two - Rude Awakenings...

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          (Y/N)'s body rested on a soft, cushioned bed. The window had been opened to reveal moonlight pouring in. The cool breeze hit her face, it felt nice, she smiled in her sleep. Her body was perfectly balanced between the warmth and the cold. Her clothes had been changed to a light (C) gown.
          The room was adorned with (F/C) wallpaper, carpets and furniture. There was a mirror above the dresser. There was a (F/C) rug above the carpet, right under the bed, where her feet would touch when she would awake.
          (Y/N) slept above the sheets. She had been changed into a (C) dress by one of the boys. Her eyes opened to reveal a(n) (E/C) glow that complimented her (S/C) skin. The moon reflected in her orbs of (E/C).
         She stared up at the overhang of her four-poster bed. She sat up and stared towards the window. She opened the doors, and stepped onto the balcony. She was startled by an unexpected noise. A voice pierced her ears through the air. It sounded annoyed and frustrated.
        "You're awake, finally, took you long enough," an angered voice from the corner said. She glanced over sharply to see who was speaking. It was the boy with the white hair. Taking cautious steps, step walked back into the room, closing the balcony doors behind her, shitting the curtains.
       She looked at him for a second, maybe two. Then opened her mouth, "excuse me, but where am I? Why are you here?" She questioned. She had no idea what was going on, or if Yui was alright.
       He hesitated to speak, "You are at the Sakamaki household. I am here because those damn triplets wanted to have their way with you while you slept," his eyes squinted. He grabbed her arm and pulled her. He looked into (Y/N)'s eyes, and then to the grown with a scoff. He was reluctant to make eye contact.
        She looked shocked by his response, but she ignored it, maybe it's a joke... she thought. "May you, please, tell me your name?" This was necessary information to form a closer bond with the boy who saved her from being violated.
       This angered him further, he started to raise his voice at her. "Damn, why do you ask so many questions? Can't your mouth stay shut for 5 second? It's so fucking annoying. I am Subaru, if that'll shut you up," he started to rant.
       "I'm sorry," she replied. Her arms were curled up to her chest, she was fearful. (Y/N) made her way back to the bed. She sat down and looked at Subaru. She was scared. She was confused. She was lost in her thoughts. A lone tear dripped from her eye, and down her cheek. The tear was warm, and it traced down (Y/N)'s soft, but cold, (S/C) skin.
        He walked closer to the bed, "I was told to take you down to the entrance hall when you woke up," he threw an outfit onto the bed. "There's a bathroom over there, go get changed, don't take too long." When the clothes hit the bed, she winced. "Are you scared of a shirt? Pft, humans..." he scowled at her. (Y/N) grabbed the (C) shirt and pants with a tremble.
  Wait... the undergarments... it's lingerie??? Who would pick this sort of thing out for a girl you don't know... what is this place? (Y/N) thought to herself. She then ran into the bathroom. Almost immediately, she locked the door, separating herself from Subaru. Leaning against the door, she started to sigh. (Y/N) was now able to breathe freely, without the constant looming and suffocating energies emitting off of Subaru.

(Y/N)'s POV:

      What the hell is this? I slipped off my top. How did I get myself involved in this kind of shit? What could they want with me? I put a towel around me without thinking. It's routine when I change. I mean... they could want nothing. But I don't understand why they would take me then..! Three loud bangs on the door ruined my train of thought. "Huh..?" I shouted out beyond the wooden frame. I could feel the bangs in my soul. What is that? Is he...!? I couldn't think without a voice interrupting me.
    "The fuck is taking you so long? It's been 5 goddamn minutes..!" Subaru yelled at me. There was a loud crack as the door was forced off of its hinges. I moved away. I sat on the floor, in the corner. I stared at the broken chips of wood from the door. Looking, I saw that hinges were still attached to the wall, and the door had been punched through.
        I was in the nude. I was only wearing a towel and my old clothes were sprawled out across the floor. Changing took me so long because of the lingerie, it took me five minutes just to finger out how to hook the bra. It was very complicated.
I felt the vibrations from his footsteps as he walked into the bathroom, "sir... please, I'll hurry up... just don't hurt me..!" I pleaded to him. He is so terrifying right now... oh god, is this where Yui has been all this time? I wonder what these men did with her. I don't want to find out. I held the soft towel to my chest. It was a beautiful shade of (C).
In a rage, Subaru lifted my old clothing, ripping them into pieces. The shreds of the old clothes fell to the floor, making more of a mess than there already was. He grunted, "it's clear to me that you can't change... so I'll just have to help you," he made his way over to me, with the new clothing in his hands.
      I balanced myself against the wall, Subaru ripped my town from my hands, it landed on the ground next to me. I covered myself with my arms. "Don't look at me...!" I yelled at me, putting my hands on his chest to push him away.
     Subaru looked offended by my action, "I don't care if your naked," he yelled at me. He grabbed both of my arms, stretching them against the wall. Closer he became as he sniffed my neck. I heard a squishy pop as he bit into my neck. "... Ha... so goddamn good," said Subaru as he grabbed me by the wrists, pushing me against the wall. I was bare, pressing against him.
      My warm blood dripped down my neck. It was sticky, and sloppy. The site of the bite heated up with each and every passing second. My breasts squished against his cold chest. "Let me get changed... I- please," I gasped. I couldn't speak any longer. The pain ran up and down my neck. It was sharp, but dull at the same time. Subaru bit me harder with each syllable. His fangs penetrated me deeper. "What can I do- ahh... to make you stop?" I was able to slip out of his grasp. My hands separated our chests. Violently, he rips his fangs out of me. My blood squirted out of me, It dripped down his face. At least his body was covering me, so he couldn't have seen anything.
   Subaru put both of his hands on the wall behind me, my wrists were free. "What are you willing to do for filth like me?" He didn't look at me any longer, instead he grabbed the clothes and threw them on me. "You have two more minutes... get changed." His mood suddenly changed.
   Without a second thought, I slipped on the black school girl's uniform. I walked over to the door knob, placing my hand on it. What will happen when I open the door? Will I be okay? Will he attack me? Will Subaru even be there? Even though there were millions of doubts in my mind, I opened the door, putting one foot out of the bathroom.
"Subaru..." I whispered under my breath, "are you here...?" I whispered again. My hands were coiled up to my chest. I looked around the room. There, I saw him, laying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. "Hey, I am changed. You said that we needed to be somewhere, right?"
        Sitting up, Subaru looked absolutely exhausted. He must have just been about to fall asleep. "What the hell are you trying to do?" He angrily sprung up. I was close enough to the bed where he was able to grab my neck without standing. "I was almost asleep... tch..." he scowled. Subaru grabbed my arm, flinging me onto the bed next to him. "Take responsibility for your actions. Help me fall asleep."
        I relaxed myself, and let my muscles relax as well. I was next to Subaru on the bed, hoping he wouldn't bite me again. I began to rub my fingers through his hard. He looked surprised that I was actually doing what he requested, but he did not say a word to me.
        My face was a bright red, "I- okay..." what is the point in fighting him? Subaru closed his eyes. I ran my fingers on his scalp, rubbing his head. Soon, he started to snore. He was out like a light, absolutely knocked. After he had calmed down, I fell asleep, too. What am I thinking? Actually... his sleeping face is quite adorable. I could get used to this. My heart fluttered a bit. He was peaceful.

【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz