Chapter Six - Big Bad Wolf

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Nobody's POV:

      "How vulgar... to take part in such an activity on school grounds. I expect better from you, Subaru," ranted Reiji. He propped his glasses, looking at the (Y/N) who was lying motionless in the nurse's office.

      Subaru just bickered, "so, are you trying to tell me that you've never fooled around before? Don't blame me for your lack of sex drive," he put his hand to his chest, holding his collar.

     "Just be lucky nobody saw. With your actions, she could tarnish the family name. Now, we don't want that, do we?" With that, Reiji walked out of the room. He exchanged a dirty look with the school nurse who walked in beside him.

     "The young can be passionate, sometimes too passionate. Nevertheless, she is in good enough condition to go to class. Once she awakes, you can escort her. I trust that you won't put her back into this state, correct, Subaru?" The nurse said, it wasn't a matter of trust they had, it was a matter of repetition.

      "What state? Do you mean anemia? Pff... I really don't care about much she's like this. I'll do it all I want," he trailed off into silence. Not noticing that (Y/N) had been overhearing the entire time.

      "Hey," she said, lifting herself up, hanging her feet off of the bed. "So... I'm in the nurse's office?" she looked around.

      "Indeed you are, my lady. You've just been anemic this past hour. Drink some water, then I'll send you back to class," the nurse handed (Y/N) a glass of cold, refreshing water

     "What's your name?" (Y/N) asked as she took a sip of the water.

     "Me? My name is Mr. Reinhart, the school nurse," he smiled at her. (Y/N) couldn't enjoy her glass of water for long, Subaru knocked it out of her hand, grabbed her arm, pulling her down the hallway.

      "What the hell, Subaru? Why so sudden, the glass broke!" (Y/N) fell onto her knees. She hadn't healed herself from the lack of blood, and she was moved too roughly.

"You don't wanna mingle with that guy, trust me," his voice was in a hush whisper. "Just follow me..." he let go of (Y/N). She followed him without a word.

(Y/N)'s POV:

       I held my wrists and arm, I rubbed them up and down, trying to forget the mark that Subaru left. I was forced up a large staircase. We didn't go up all of the way. There was a platform with a window i between the two flights.

     "We can stay here the rest of the school day, I'm not risking you running into him again," he pushed me against the wall. I could almost see the steam rising from his ears.

I looked out the window, then back at Subaru. "You don't need to be so violent, are you trying to kill me?" He's pushing and pulling me way too hard. I'll bend and break if be doesn't get a hold of himself. "What's so bad about the nurse? He seems so nice." My words only pissed him off more.

I must have gone too far, he started yelling at me. "I told you to stay the fuck away from that guy. You don't need to know why. I hate women like you. They are so goddamn nosy... remember, (Y/N), I can kill you anytime I want," threatened Subaru. I instantly backed down.

      My eyes started to fill with tears. I curled myself up into a ball in the a corner. "Then why the hell don't you..." I yelled at him, my eyes were puffing, filling to the brim with salty tears. This is the day I die.

By surprise, I wasn't struck with a blow to the head, but a gentle embrace. Our chests met, Subaru wrapped his arms around me. My face was moist, my tears kept on flowing. "Why are you crying?" He looked to me, he put his hand on my chin. Subaru leaned in to lick my tears. His tongue brushed against my skin, making sure not to waste a drop. "You're tears are almost as delicious as your blood, you know?" Despite how violated I felt, I laughed, it tickled.

     "I-" I tried to choke out. My voice cracked. I wasn't able to finish my syllable before I was gently pushed against the wall. His embrace tightened. I could feel Subaru's chill warmth surrounded my mouth. I ran my fingers through his hair. Our tongues started to entwine as we become one. I could feel my body heating up.

Subaru-SAMA's POV:

I didn't want to hear anything that anybody had to say. (Y/N)'s voice only irritated me, partially because I know that it isn't yet mine. I dragged my lips down her face, landing pecks on her nose, cheeks and soon mouth.

Licking her lower lip, I signaled for her to open her mouth. Without wasting a second, I made sure to put my tongue in her mouth. Gently, I grazed over her teeth. (Y/N) tasted like the finest candy. Her lips were soft and as light as air.

Her fingers ran on my scalp. My temper changed, I felt amazing, happy. I pulled her closer to me, cradling (Y/N)'s head in my hand. If I could do this for eternity, I would be happy. The moment I saw her up until now... what is she doing to me? Women. Seductive creatures. Whether or not she was a succubus, I still loved her, even if I am never able to admit it.

Nobody's POV:

Light footsteps came walking up the staircase. The boy was talking to himself, it seemed. He had stumbled upon the pair, entangled in their lust. "Woah, Subaru, who's this pretty thing?" The boy asked, coming up behind Subaru and (Y/N).

"Who the hell are you?!?" (Y/N) screamed. She hid her face on Subaru's shoulder, her face was as red as a cherry.

"Kou..." groaned Subaru, "what the hell do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" He stood to face Kou. His eyebrow twitched.

Kou's POV:

       Ruki wasn't kidding when he said the baby Sakamaki has a new friend. How the hell could he have known that? Oh, whatever. "I just want to meet the new girl. It's odd that she's human. She has no value to you, do you even know how to treat her? I saw you, you know, dragging her down the hallway. That's no way to treat a lady." I provoked him.

      "Get the hell out of here because I destroy your sorry ass..." Subaru threatened me. His lady's (your) (E/C) eyes looked over his shoulder at me, she looked borderline horrified.

     "Are you really going to force a lady with such a pretty face to watch something as horrible as that?" I subtly suggested that he not hurt me in front of a girl, "so, what's your name?"

    "I'm (Y/N)."

   "Nice to meet you, (Y/N). I'm Kou. Just between you and me, you should be careful out there. There are people that will try to hurt you just because you have a pretty face. They'll use you, abuse you, torment you, until the day where they eventually kill you," my eyes narrowed. It's true. She's a beauty. If she doesn't be careful the big bad wolf will snatch her, and eat her. I took a step towards the upward stairs. Subaru was in a state of shock.

"Why the hell would you say that? What does that have to do with this?" Subaru yelled at me. (Y/N) was obviously scared by his loud voice and violent gestures. She walked backwards, squishing herself against the window. Tears started to drip from her eyes.

I walked towards her, Subaru just watched. "She needs to know. It's a fact of life. You never know who could be a big bad wolf, even you could be one, Subaru," I laughed at myself. But right now, I have to play the role of the big bad wolf. Her scent is too tempting.

I pushed her against the window, I unbuttoned the first three buttons on her shirt. I chose a spot to violate. As hard as I could, I bit into her skin. "Get the hell off of her...!" Subaru grabbed my arm, pulling me away from her.

Little red riding hood took her chance to leave. She ran down the stairs. Her hair flowed behind her as she whined. She's a fast runner. That will come in handy, but it wound prevent her fate, will it now?

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