Chapter 19 - Diving Into The Flames

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(Y/N)'s POV

       I looked down at the shattered night stand. It was splintering, left, right, up, down. With the slam of the table, Subaru ran out of the door, presumably after his father. I looked over at Christa, who had tears streaming down her cheeks. "He's a good boy, a lovable child... but he was created out of- out of such filth!" Her voice went from a soft stutter, to a rage-filled mutter.
"What ever do you mean?" I questioned her further. A beautiful boy, created from such filth? What in the world could that mean? I asked myself, staring at her blood-red eyes that reflected the moonlight. I saw one last tear drip from her eye.
"I was forced to have Subaru. I had no choice... but I guess, I did agree to marry him," she spoke kindly and softly. A blush crossed her cheeks. She was smiling. "Oh, how lovely. I am his only wife now... that wench is no more, and the other one... she's gone too!" She sounded happy. Do I dare ask who she is referring to? I better not.
          Thunder shook the ground, castle and air. The vibrations ran up my stone arm, causing me to yell out in pain. "Subaru," I said, coming from a place of pure agony. The cold, hard, solid rock began to make its way up to my shoulders, nearly overtaking my neck.
       "Don't worry, darling!" said Christa. "I'm sure he will be back soon, to help you. He is such a loving and gentle boy. He deserves a woman like you to share that kindness with," her eyes went from pánico to calm and content. Hearing her speak of Subaru like that made my nearly stone heart flutter.

Nobody's POV

Subaru ran down the corridors. His frantic steps echoed throughout the hallway. He wasn't making himself. The carpet was a content red, and could be seen only due to the moon and stars. In the windows the moonlight could be seen, and it flew down onto the carpets, and onto Subaru's hair. His silhouette draped across the falls, just as frantic as he was. He didn't mind seeing the photos of his father on the fall, he barely noticed them.
At the end of the hallway there was a light, candle light, lit by many candles. Subaru picked up his feet and ran faster down the hallway. Once he arrived at the room, he swung the door open with such a force that the door broke off of it's hinges.
In the middle of the room there was a chair. In that chair, a main with long hair, a similar color to Subaru's, sat. He looked up from a book he was reading and spoke. "Whatever is bothering you, my dear son?" A deep voice spoke in the dim light.
       Subaru sneered, "you know what's up, don't you, old man!?" He raised his voice at his father. "How do I cure (Y/N)?"
       The man only laughed at his son. "Why ever would you need such silky knowledge as that? She's just a mortal woman," he looked Subaru dead in the eyes. "Mortals are nothing more than beings to be experimented on, and used as entertainment for us superiors. It isn't worth achieving the cure for her," he spoke softly, and looked down at the book he held in her hand.
      Subaru kicked the door that was now laying on the ground. "Damnit- can you at least tell me the cause of all this? I want some goddamn answers, old man," he yelled towards his father.
The man stood up, and took his glasses off, placing them on the stool beside him. "Son," he spoke softly, "I am proud of you. You found something to cling to, somebody to love. However, if you truly want her to live, you must give her blood, you must turn her into one of us..." he trailed off into silence.
Subaru got even more enraged, "how the hell do I do that? Give her blood? I might as well take your blood, that should work, right?! You don't deserve it anyways!" Subaru yelled towards his father. His hair almost stood on end. He was sad, depressed even, that his love was going to die, and that he would be left alone while (Y/N) faded into oblivion.
He was reminiscing on how soft her skin was, and her smile. That smile, it would haunt him if she went away for the rest of eternity. The thought of her cold, stone hands, frozen in time, scared him. Subaru dreaded the death of his beloved.
"Is that so?" questioned the man. "If you do wish to take my blood, I shall show no mercy. What say you?" His tone was dark and deep. He had an ominous glow in his eyes.
Subaru paused for a moment, "what say I?" He repeated. "I say that I am ready for the challenge. I'll do anything at this point," he sounded desperate, longing for some form of cure for his beloved. He tightened his grip even more so on the rose, it practically broke, but the thorns were still as sharp as ever.
          Taking slow steps towards Subaru, his father made his way across the room. He put his hand on his son's shoulder. "If you win, you will be the next king," he smiled down at Subaru. "However~" he almost seemed to sing the words. "... if you fail, you and your beloved will both sink to the deepest pits of hell together."
          Subaru didn't know what to do. He knew he needed to fight his father. But how? How would he win against one of the most powerful man that has ever walked in the demon realm before? There was nearly no chance. Subaru glanced at the rose, peering at the thorn. With that, he knew that to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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