Chapter Ten - Us Time

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Sorry for such a long wait in between chapters!
(Y/N)'s POV:

My body was warm. I felt Subaru grabbing me. I could heard him snoring. He was dead asleep. I ran my fingers through my hair. I felt Subaru grab my arm, "what are you up to?" The vibrations of his voice ran directly through my chest.

"Nothing~ I- you just looked so cute like that. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist," I smiled, looking down at him. I could feel his cheeks heat up, he ignored my remarks.

"Oí..." I heard a shout, "it is Saturday... I can sleep in without distraction," he told me, Subaru always loved his sleep, I guess.

"Oh, wouldn't it be better for you to sleep without me here? I mean, you would have a lot more room," I tried to lift the coffin above us, but I couldn't get it to budge.

       I was forcefully pulled back down, "you've seemed to have misunderstood me. What kind of 'sleep in' did you think I was talking about?" Subaru smirked down towards me. Finally, it hit me. "Pervert... really, I don't wanna go that far again. I just wanna have some one on one with you," I could hear a deep chuckle come from his direction. My face was a bright pink. Why would he say that!? Did he want to mislead me!? I guess Subaru did. How cruel!

         "Don't toy with me like that," I smiled, "don't leave me in suspense, what the hell are you planning?" I jokingly hit his chest.

"You'll see, get dressed," he smiled to me. This time, he ran his fingers through my hair. It tickled, so I laughed.

"But you said that you want-"

"Forget what said, I changed my mind. Eh~ get dressed before I have to dress you myself," threatened Subaru. I tried to find my clothes in the cramped coffin. Finally, I found them. Swiftly I put them on, Subaru did the same. He opened the lid of the coffin so that the both of us could leave.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he vigorously dragged me down the hallway.

     "You'll see..." he shouted at me.

     After minutes of him yanking me down the hallway, I saw a large door in the distance. It led to the outside. I tried to ask why we were going outside, but once he opened the door my unspoken question was answered.

      "This is beautiful..." I whispered, staring at the garden full of white roses. "How many do you think are here?"

       "Pfft- I don't know, all of them?" Tsunbaru scoffed at me. I could see a slight blush on his face. I grabbed his arm and nuzzled my nose into it. "Anyways- do you know the significance of a white rose?"

       I looked up at him, "no," I replied.

       Subaru grabbed my arms and placed me in front of him. We were in the middle of the rose garden in an instant, we hadn't even moved our legs. "White roses represent purity, when one wilts, it represents the longing for death because of loss of purity. They mean a lot to me, I hate them, you are a white rose, but I love you," he admitted.

      "That's so sweet!" I yelled as I hugged him, we fell backwards into a pile roses. I rested my body on Subaru's. The wind blew, petals flew around the two of us. I watched as one landed on his nose, he sneezed it off.

       "Ay!" He yelled, "I hate being on my back, y'know," Subaru gently shoved me off of him. "Get up... I didn't expect you'd do that..."

"Aw, Subaru! I was actually comfortable," I sat next to him in the pile of roses, pouting. The remaining petals in the air now fell to the earth. The sun was rising. The sky was a beautiful orange.

Subaru just sighed, "fine," he let out, "come here," he pulled me back down onto him, he laid back in the roses. My head rested on his chest as he stared up at the fading moon. I couldn't stop smiling. Joy and delight filled me to the brim. I heard his irregular heartbeat, mine followed the same rhythm after a while.

      "(Y/N)..." he whispered, "what Kou said to you... are you okay with it...?" Subaru petted my head. The mood had changed from calm to serious.

     "Oh, that boy? Yeah, I didn't really listen," I laughed to myself, "I know you won't let anybody hurt me, besides for maybe yourself... I never gave what he said much thought."

"Good, he was speaking out of his ass..." the wind blew again, this time bringing rains, pouring down on the two of us. "GODDAMNIT!" Whined Subaru, the sky was clear just a moment ago.

"It got too bright anyway, let's go inside," I climbed off of him, my muscles sore from not moving for such a long time.

Although I could walk, he insisted on carrying me back to his room. I enjoyed every second of it. I tried to ignore his glances down at me, but I couldn't help but think he looked just adorable. He has a hard shell, which is easily broken if you know how to do it.

【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now