Chapter Eleven - Gone!

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Nobody's POV: (by the way the entire summer passed and it's now a new year)

School started again, Subaru and (Y/N) walked into school together. He violently held (Y/N)'s arm as people stared at the two

"Why is such a pretty girl like her with him of all people?"

"God, she's taken? I was gonna snatch her."

"I Can already tell they are gonna be great together

"Another couple? Seriously?"

The chatter continued. (Y/N) was oblivious, but Subaru heard everything. (Y/N) had admirers, unlike Subaru. Subaru never had anybody that liked him, he was always the outcast, loner, never talking to anybody. That's why the other kids were so confused when they saw such a beautiful girl hanging out with him

"I am going to walk you go and from your classes... everyday..." Subaru mumbled under his breath.

Though unfazed by his remark, she acted surprised, and just nodded. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you," (Y/N) giggled.

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" He opened the door, just to see Kou sitting in the seat next to (Y/N).

"Hey, gurl!" purred Kou. "I got us both matching schedules! Isn't that just amazing!" He pulled (Y/N) into her seat, "we are going to be besties!" Kou joked around with her.

"You? You aren't one of my students, get to class!" Yelled the teacher, he kicked Subaru out of his class.

"We have gym today, isn't that exciting?" Kou laughed.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I watched him with a look of concern. Is he a vampire, too? Is that why Subaru doesn't want me talking to him? Or is he just a school bully...? Huh~ the bell interrupted my thoughts. I waited for Subaru, he never showed. I was yanked by Kou down to the gym. He agreed to let me change in peace, when I did, the gym teacher announced that the class would be hosted outside, in the cool air.

Once outside, Kou sat next to me on the grass. The other kids played with balls, while I just sat and read a book. "So, whatcha reading there?" I ignored him. "Are you going to respond? That's not very nice."

"Please leave me alone," I begged. "I just want to read. It's really none of your business."

Kou grabbed the book out of my hands. "Biology? Are you seriously reading that textbook. Nobody reads those things, I swear, you are just like Ruki... taking everything so seriously," he pouted, laying back on the grass.

"Who's Ruki?"

"Oh, him? Wanna meet him? He's my older brother. He seems to always have a stick up his ass, but he's nice," sounds like Subaru. "I can take you to see him, if you'd like," I could see a smirk grow on Kou's face.

Subaru wouldn't want me to... but why not? He will never know... unless I see him in the hallway. "Um, okay..."

Kou's POV (flashback):

"Did you see the girl?" Ruki asked. He was sitting, with his nose in a book.

"Yeah, I did. She was way out of his league," I laughed at the thought.

"Was she human? Or like us?" He questioned further.

"She smelled human, so I guess she is," I shrugged off the question. I enjoyed the heat from the fire as I sipped my warm milk. I tilted my chair back. The dim lights created a romantic affect.

      "Anyway, that information isn't too important at the moment. Father ordered you to bring her to him. Do you remember?" asked Ruki. He was being very stern and strict.

      Yuma had a problem with it, "why the hell would he want a human like her? It makes no goddamn sense," he yelled at the top of his lungs, like he usually does.

      "Calm yourself, Yuma," Ruki hushed, "there is no need to raise your voice."

        "I... hope that she's pretty..." Azusa whispered, quietly twirling his knife in his fingers. He was smiling, like he always does. "Do you... think she likes knives...? We could have some fun..."

           He's at it again with the knives. How's he ever gonna find a lady like that? "Pfft, don't go asking her questions like that out of no where. It's kind of creepy as a first impressing," I explained, like I always do. I seem to be the one to correct Azusa whenever he gets into his little knife talks.

          "Enough with the distractions!" Ruki bursted out, "Kou, do you know what to do?"

          "Yeah, yeah, you don't need to keep pestering me. I'll get her here by the end of next week. Make it next Wednesday," I said.

         "Good, because if you don't, I will."

Real time; (Y/N)'s POV:

          I followed Kou down the hallway. He was leading me farther and farther away from the other students. Dismissal bell was about to ring. "Where are we going?" I questioned. Him, grabbing my arm, forcing me into a storage closet.

        Closet was lined with cabinets. Full of cleaning supplies, cleaning utensils, extra school supplies and locks for the lockers. Ironically, It was a mess. The light had been dying, it was fading out slowly. The room was dark.

        "You're still gonna meet Ruki. Just not at school. You see, we need you for something. I don't know what it is, though," Kou wrapped his cold fingers around his neck, his grasp tightened.

        Desperately, I squirmed in his grasp. I couldn't breathe. I tried to speak, to yell, to scream. I was unable to muster anything more than a moan. "I can't breathe... stop," he only laughed. The light started to flicker, I noticed how dark the room appeared to be.

          I put my hands on his arms, trying to get him off of me. Kou was so close, that I could feel his breath. "Don't try to struggle, little red riding hood," he laughed, "in the end, the big bad wolf swallowed her up. You already know how your story's going to end if you struggle."
          The already darkened room only become more so. I couldn't keep my eyes open. Kou's laughter started to fade. "Life lesson number one, don't fuck with me," was the last thing I heard before fading off into a suffocating sleep.

Nobody's POV:

         "Where the hell is he?" Ayato groaned, he rested his head on his seat.

        "Yes, I wanna leave to. It's very selfish of them to keep us waiting like this," Kanato clenched his stuffed bear.

       "Be patient you two," Yui interrupted. The dismissal bell rang. All of the students had made their ways home. The Sakamaki's couldn't leave without the youngest, Subaru, who was very late. "Give them some time!"

        "Such annoying voices..." moaned Shuu.

        "I can just image all of the fun their having," purred Laito.

        Reiji glanced out of the window to see Subaru exiting the building. "Enough of the fuss, there he is. Late as usual," he was displeased.

      Slamming, the car door came to a close. Subaru sat in his place. "She's gone. She's fucking gone! If she ran away, I'm gonna fucking kill 'er...."

【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now