Chapter 18 - Awaken and Release(d)

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Nobody's POV:

Hushly, (Y/N)'s eyelids began to creep open. Her (E/C) orbs were being penetrated by the light, it was too much. She closed her eyes with haste. Subaru had watched his love open her eyes. He grabbed her stone hand firmly.
"(Y/N)!" He yelled out to her, she shook her back and forth lightly until she once again opened her eyes. "Are you alright? Can you hear me?"
(Y/N) took her time to respond, and Subaru allowed her to be slow. "... I'm fine... I can't feel... I can't feel my... my arm," she blurted out in a whisper. To her horror, she glanced down at her arm. (Y/N) realized that her arm was grey, like a stone. The edge of her skin and the stone was still a spacial black. A single tear dripped from the eye opposite of her stone arm.
"You... got cut, and poison was laced into the object that cut you. I know that it was meant for me, the poison, not you. I'm sorry," Christa placed one hand on Subaru's shoulder, and the other, on (Y/N)'s forehead. Neither women noticed that Subaru had tears draining from his eye sockets.
     "Somebody..." (Y/N) moaned, "tried to poison... you? Why would somebody do that?" She propped herself up on her elbows, and began to groan. She was too weak to sit up, though she tried with feeble attempts.
      "Oí!" shouted Subaru. He pushed her shoulders back down into the bed. His tears were dripping onto (Y/N)'s chest. "Lay down, I don't need you getting even more hurt. This is my fault!"
     "This isn't your-"
  "It's my fault," Christa chimed in. "I was the one who let her have the rose in the first place. I am to blame!" She cast herself as the bad guy.
     "It's neither of your faults!" exclaimed (Y/N) as she held the crying face of Subaru. "We need to figure out who laced the rose with the poi- GAH!" The pain shot from her arm. She let out a scream. The black began to grow, it now completely engulfed up to her elbow. "Find..." she whined, "out..." she cried, "who-would-do-such-a-thing...!" She speed talked. Her breathing was heavy and shallow.
     "Who? (Y/N)? Who would I ask? Who am I supposed to go to-" he grabbed her stone arm, and held it close to his face. "Who would do such a thing?"
      "Subaru," Christa grabbed Subaru's shirt by the shoulder. "You're father is the single most strong man in this entire universe. If anybody knows it would be him," she looked down. "Now I know that you hate your father, but if you love this woman, you will let him help her. He won't do anything unless you take action."
     "Yeah," his face was filled with anguish, "but if I side with him... he will do something to (Y/N)... I am sure of it..." a red light peered in through the window. The mood was awfully bright. Subaru had little to no energy to even hold his lover's hand. His grief is costing a toll.
"Maybe... there's a remedy for this? Can we just cut off my arm? We can? Right?" (Y/N)'s voice was cracking, and she wasn't able to speak like she could just moments before.
          "And have you bleed out? No way," cried Subaru.
"Then... find your father!" Yelled Christa, "my cousin will be able to help you. If you love her, would you be willing to fight for her?"
Subaru seemed to be confused as to what to do. Finally, he spoke. "Mother," he whispered, quietly and desperately under his breath, "would you know where to find him?"
Christa tilted her head and looked down at (Y/N). "He should be in the west wing. That's where he spends most of his days. What he does, I don't know," her voice started to crack. "Whatever you do, don't let me see him," a tear dropped from her eye. "You know what'll happen, don't you?"
(Y/N) knew better than to ask what would happen, though she was tempted to open her mouth, she held herself back. Her voice was not heard.
Picking up the rose off of the floor, Subaru holds it in his hands. He looks down at the rose, and a tear began to form in one of his eyes. It was cold while running down his face. He clenched his fists, holding the rose tightly in his grasp.
The pale woman looked up at her son. "Subaru, are you alright?" Looking down at the rose she began to get worried. "Please, don't prick yourself!" She demanded.
Glancing down at (Y/N), Subaru realized that she had the knife in her hands. He kneeled down to her to get it,
Subaru stood up straight, looked down at (Y/N), and said, "don't worry. I'll get you out of this mess. I don't care if it kills me, you will survive this!" Yelled Subaru, slamming his fists down onto a nightstand. The nightstand began to crack, and crumble beneath his fists. It splintered up and down, every fiber of the nightstand could be seen.

【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now