Chapter Thirteen -

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Nobody's POV:

(Y/N) rested beside Kou on the couch. The three other brothers stared. Her legs were pulled to her chest, her arms were wrapped around them. Ruki stood there, Yuma sat with his legs on the arm rests of the sofa, and Azusa stared at me from his seat.

"Hello," said Ruki from the corner. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, head tilted, glancing at (Y/N). "So, do you know why you're here?" Ruki sounded cold, dead almost.

There was silence. "Goddamnit, he asked you a question," yelled Yuma, "why can't you answer it?" He stood up and yelled at (Y/N).

      "Leave her alone, I doubt she wants to speak right now. I should have known better than to ask her anything," said Ruki, "let me explain... I am Ruki, that gentleman over their is Yuma. The boy next to you is Kou. Lastly, the one sitting in front of you is Azusa. Are we clear? Good..." he tapped his fingers on his hardcover book. I could almost hear the noise echo.

"Pleased... to meet your.... acquaintance... my la-dy..." Azusa groaned. There was no life in his voice, but his eyes were full of wonder.

      "Where am I?" (Y/N) asked. She pulled her knees to her chest. "Why do you want me here? Is there a purpose?"

     "You have no right to know where you or, nor do I have a right to tell you. You are only here because father requested that we investigate one of the Sakamaki's new love interests," Ruki spat out, with no regard for (Y/N) becoming overwhelmed.

       "You see," said Kou, "we were assigned to this mission by our father. He wanted us to know why you were hanging around with those aristocrat assholes. It's not too complicated, so, why don't you tell us?" Kou laughed, and did a peace sign as he smiled. "Or, you could play hard to get, and I let Azusa over there have a go at ya!"

        "Well..." started (Y/N), "it's not very easy to explain... you see... I was walking home one day and I ran into Yui, we're old friends, then Laito found me. The triplets wanted to hurt me, then Subaru stepped him. He kinda- um- kind of rescued me in a way? I guess," she was unsure of her words, she tried to recall details. That night was too dark for her to see anything vividly. "Subaru decided to let me live and I've been with him. He kinda keeps me as a pet. Nothing more, I swear."

"Does..." moaned Azusa, "he... hurt.... you...?"

"Oh! Goodness no!" Replied (Y/N). She grew frustrated now. "Please... will I be able to leave... ever?! I would like to go back to Subaru now, please." Her voice was feeble. She knew that she wasn't going to be able to go home, no matter how much she pleaded.

The silence in the room grew to be deafening. It was all that she could hear. "Go home?" Whispered Ruki, "we still have to present you to our father."

"Can I go home after?"

"Aw... isn't she so cute!" Kou mewed.

   "We'll have to see about that, sow," said Yuma. He crossed his legs, and then his arms. "It's whatever boss man over there says. I don't really talk to our old man that much, but he does," Yuma was calm.

     "From now on, you could be our toy!" Kou suggested, "baby Sakamaki has fun with you, so I don't see why we can't. It's not like your important or anything." His hands caressed the back of his head. He clean against his chair.

     "Kou..." sighed Ruki, "you may take her back to her room, but don't do anything suspicious. She's been through enough. We need her in a stable mental state, with a sound body, in order for her to meet father. We will leave tomorrow. I have stocked her closet, drawers and wardrobe with outfits. She is to wear whichever she likes, but the ones in her closet are specifically for seeing our father or whenever you are at the dinner table. You are hereby excused."

     Ruki rushed (Y/N) and Kou out of the living room. They were sent back to (Y/N)'s room. Once they arrived, there were was a (F/C) dress sitting on the bed, waiting for her.

    "You heard the man," said Kou, "get changed."
    "I can't change with you just standing there!" (Y\N) whined, she looked flushed. Her hands were grabbing the opposite arm, she had been in a defense ever since last night.

      "Oh, geez, will you knock it off already? I literally saw your bare ass and your worried about me looking at your tits? Really, women are confusing," snickered Kou, he looked entertained. He rested his arms of his shoulders, hit elbows were tilted up. Kou leaned against the (C) wall. "So, what'cha waitin' for?"

Kou's POV:

        Is she actually gonna do it?  She pondered my request for a moment, I could see that she was having a hard time deciding what to do.  I watched as (Y/N)'s hands slid from her arms and caressed the bottom of her shirt, she pulled it over her head as quick as she could. Then, she slid the dress over her top. She's smart. She's putting on the dress before taking off her pants. Technically, that's cheating. 

       "Food's ready, right? We should go!" Yelled (Y/N) she ran down the stairs from her room, I chased after her.

       Quickly, I lost sight of her. I could still smell her, though. I passed the blurred paintings on the wall, and trotted over the green carpet, then I saw her staring out of a window. "Hello, kitty! I found-" then I saw what she was staring at.

       There was a car. In all its elegancy, it was plastered with the shine of the moon, but it was a matte black. The window was cracked open to reveal velvet seating. It was pulling into the driveway. No, it can't be.

      "Kou,"  I heard my voice being whispered, "father will be arriving shortly. We need her ready. Let's go, livestock," Ruki grabbed her armed and yanked her down the stairs. She had not even noticed that I was here.

【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now