Did you really understand?

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Did you really understand?
How I really did care?
It wasn't fake, that I know for sure
Our friendship my dear apposite
Was quite fair
Did you really understand?
Everything I did
To try and make you happy?
But perhaps
It was too much...
I wanted to be by your side
And stay beside you when you needed me most
But in the end...
I only felt like some sort of host
Did you really understand?
What you meant to me?
You were more than a friend
This I knew
You were like my sister in the end
This is how I considered you
But..did you really consider me like that too?
Sure, I messed up
And did stupid things
Even my words hit you at times
This proves we are all fragile
Like a wine glass cup
Unless it was phony and fake
But..I guess when you give it too much
Just like the cup, in this case me..
I will truly break
We all do my friend..
But everything wasn't just a memory
It really did happen 
Whether it was being beside you
Helping you with problems
And we always found a solution
But..now I feel empty
And with everyone gone, from my sight
I look up at the stars
And release the skyrocketing tears
That redden my cheeks at night
I always told you "I'll lend you my hand"
Till the very end
Before we broke apart..
One day I hope you realize..
That you will truly understand

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