The Mask

12 4 0

I cry, I try.
To hide everything beneath the pale mask
All the negative emotions are concealed behind it
For it shows only my happiness, only my glow
It doesn't matter how hard I try
The mask is with me no matter where I go
I cry, I try.
Those thoughts that I have entangled into my brain twist my insides
I feel nausea and rage
But why rage?
Reality feels like a cage
Really, I have only one task:
And that is to keep my reality hidden and make it perfect under the mask

(A/N: hi, everyone! So I know sometimes I alternate the writing POV- this time I put into first person, instead of third. But don't be alarmed because sometimes I do that. Also, an update about jaded: hopefully this week I can update. Sorry to everyone who has been reading that who was left hanging and waiting for updates. )

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