Chapter One

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Part One

I'm running.

My feet hit the dried dirt with loud thuds as I kick my legs faster. I can hear my heart beating with adrenaline. They can't get me. The trees loom down darkly, but I push my hands out trying to guard my face. It's no use. The trees are stronger than I am.

"Get her!" Someone yells behind me. His voice sounds like he chain smokes on the weekends. I look around as the trail dead ends. Why am I in a forest? Why am I running? I quickly dismiss these questions as I hear my attackers closing in.

"We got you now, darling." I don't recognize the voice, but I instantly hate the word "darling." A pair of hands grabs me from the shadows and whisks me away.

Chapter One

My eyes couldn't have opened faster.

Great. Another night terror. I don't mind my heart racing in a dream, but I don't like how I wake up sweating. Looking over at my nightstand I see the clock and it reads ten minutes past the time I is supposed to wake up. Crap. I roll off my bed and head for the shower. I can tell today is not going to be a good day.

Fifteen minutes later, I'm walking downstairs to the smell of Captain Crunch and three-day old OJ. Mom must be at the office this morning, or maybe she didn't come home last night at all. It doesn't bother me much anymore. I guess humans really do adapt to their surroundings.

I shrug it off and pour myself a bowl of cereal and turn my phone on. I wonder if Becky Lou is picking me up today. She usually does, but sometimes she (like me) wakes up late and doesn't have time. Or she forgets, she is very forgetful.

"Leaving my house N 2 mins. Be there soon! -B."

"Soon" is a relative term for Becks: she's always late.

I pick up my mess and head back to my bedroom to apply my make up. I stare at my reflection: big round emerald green eyes and dark auburn hair that is full of messy curls. My teeth were white and straight from my many years of braces and my skin is clear and the color of the inside of almonds thanks to genetics. I put on mascara and some eyeliner on my water line and then I'm done.

I hear a horn honk outside I grab my Jansport and head out the front door. It is Becks signature: honk. I walked around the dead plants and grass over to Becks dark green Jeep.

"Hey." She said as I get into the car. Becks and I couldn't be more opposite: she has pin straight blonde hair with mousy brown eyes and freckles that trail from cheek to cheek. She also has her own way of dressing. Like today, she's wearing a hot pink knee-length skirt with polka-dot tights, blue long sleeve and her green Doc Martins. Her make up is also very vivid in color and style.

"Hi, haven't seen you in awhile." This weekend Becks had volunteered with her cousin to clean up the beaches; they're been competitive for as long as I can remember. Becks makes a sour face and starts driving.

"Don't remind me! You know it took me four showers to get the smell of seaweed out of my hair? Talk about gross!" I laugh at the image.

"Well, then, lets talk about what I did: I went to Crispo's and spent all weekend on that stupid History paper. I better get an A!" Crispo's is the only place in Haven that teenagers could hang out and not be bothered by meddling adults.

"Awe I'm sorry Phin! All by your lonesome." She cooed, this time I gave her a sour face.

"Actually, I was not by myself. Sampson was there. I mean we didn't go together, but he was there and I was there." I sounded so pathetic, but Sampson is the hottest and most popular senior at Haven High. Becks and I were close to the bottom of the totem pole, so for someone like Sampson paying attention to me is unheard of. I am still glowing.

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