Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

              I’m in a daze of confusion as Alec and Micah help me into the car. I’m okay. I’m alive. How am I alive? I should have died from blood loss or shock. I don’t know how much blood I loss, but judging by my blood soaked clothes it is a lot. It must have something to do with the fiery light that came out of my hands.

              “Where are we going?” I start to panic as the suffocating feeling overtakes me. It’s okay, it’s Malachi driving, not a Demon. What if the Demons possessed their bodies and now I’m being kidnapped, again?

              “To my house. You can call your mom once we get there.” Alec explained. I nodded because talking seemed to be difficult. I look down at my wrist and see no marks. How can that be? In fact, my whole body feels back to normal. Physically you can’t see that anything happened, but mentally it is all there.

              “How many of them were there?” Micah asks from the front seat next to Malachi. Demons, he’s asking me how many Demons were there. Alec shoots Micah a death glare, but it’s okay I’m okay.

              “It’s okay Alec. Um five of ‘em.” I blew out a sigh. I am so glad that that is all over. I don’t want to ever see another Demon again. Does that include Bael?

              Micah looked at me like he just saw my power and me. Is no one going to talk about the body in the trunk? The girl is breathing normally, but Malachi had drugged her so she wouldn’t wake up for several eyes. When she woke up Malachi is going to give her something so she wouldn’t remember anything. Other than that, no one is talking about how I had single handedly killed Sitri, a Demon, and yet the human vessel is unharmed.

              “Can I ask you what happened?” Malachi cleared his throat and pulled onto the street they lived on. Alec is back to glaring at Micah. I honestly don’t mind telling them about the horrors that happened to me.

              “Maybe once we’re inside, it’s kinda a long story.” I offered a smile in support. My mom had told me when I am little that you could never ask too many questions. Somehow I don’t think Alec is raised the same way. Alec seemed to be okay living in the dark, not knowing half of what is around him. It is like he didn’t have a curious bone in his body. My body seemed to be full of curious bones.

              Malachi parked and we all filed out of the car. Malachi went to the trunk and carried the girl over to the dethatched garage. Alec walked over to the front door and unlocked it. Then, gestured for Micah and I to come inside. Everyone kept giving me this look like they were waiting for me to break down. I wanted to tell them I am not going to and that they should just get used to it.

              “You don’t have to tell us what happened if it’s too much.” Alec said as I sat down on the couch. I loved their couches. They formed into a U shape and were Italian leather. So comfortable.

              “I want to. I think I need to.” Alec didn’t look so confident. “Alec, come on I isn’t gone that long!” I am probably gone for a couple hours. Plus, they could have done worse things than they did. I am just glad I am not dead.

              He sighed. “Phin, it’s okay if you want to take or two to think about what happened.” He seemed to trip over his words.

              “I don’t want to wait. I don’t need to wait Alec, I can do this.” He is making it into a bigger deal than I is. I know he cares about me and is just trying to help, but he isn’t helping. Micah looks around the room trying to stay out of the conversation as Alec and I hash things out.

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