Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Crispo’s is my favorite place. It is in underground downtown and has the ambiance of an old hideout. It is dark inside with only candle light lighting up the big place. Couches, sofas, and Lazy-Boys cover the floor. People were drinking coffee, tea, and other beverages. Everyone looks so relaxed and blissful. At Crispo’s everyone is equal. That is probably the best part about Crispo’s.

There is some rumor that Crispo’s went four floors under ground, but I have only ever been on this floor. Sampson is the one to tell me that rumor. I don’t know why I am thinking about that silly rumor when I have much bigger things at hand.

“Okay, spill it.” Becks says, her outfit the brightest thing here. She wore a hot pink tank top over a black long sleeve with red tights and white ballerina flats. She wore a look of determination and utter pissed-off-ness.

“Todd and Malcolm are not Vampires.” I tell her. She looks surprised. Before she can respond the waitress comes up to us and takes our order. Becks orders a Capuchin and I order a Lipton tea.

“Well what are they? How do you know they aren’t Vampires?” I lick up my lips while cracking my knuckles. “Uh huh this is big, you’re popping your fingers.” She commented on my weird behavior.

“Look, I didn’t want to know everything. Alec only told me what they were.” Again the waitress interrupted us by handing us the drinks.

Once she is gone, “Were? What do you mean by were?” Crap. I think I’m doing this all wrong.

“I mean- God, I dunno even know what I mean. All I know is that Todd and Malcolm were or are Demons. Alec said he “took care of them.” That’s all I know.” Whoa, that felt so much better. A weight lifted off my shoulders.

“Alec? What is he then? Some bad ass Demon hunter?” She leans back and crosses her arms over her chest. I just bite my lip.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to know. That, and he could get into trouble.” That and I hadn’t at the time wanted to know everything. I still don’t know if I want to know everything.

“With who?” Maybe Alec should talk to Becks, she’s obviously more curious than I am.

“I don’t know.” This is becoming my mantra.

“Do you know why Demons are after you?” I formed my reply, “Oh right, you don’t know. Why Phin do you not know? And where is Alec today? You probably don’t know, right?” I don’t know why she is getting upset. Shouldn’t I be the one upset? None of this is fair.

“You’re right, I don’t know. There is a lot I don’t know and I don’t feel bad about not knowing. It might save my life. Do you care about that?” I throw a five on the table and leave Crispo’s. Becks and I don’t fight, what is happening? Everything used to be so normal, human, easy.

It sucks not having a car and having to walk home. At least it is sunny and the temperature is up in the seventies. It still sucks walking five miles home. Tapped on the fridge is a note from my mom. She just said she would be home around nine tonight and that I might want to order food. She left me thirty bucks. Did she think Alec would be over? Or did she think Becks would spend the night?

I sigh. Life sucks. Or at least my life sucks.

It could be worse. A tiny voice nags at me. It is right. Things can be a lot worse. I am so tired I don’t notice that my bedroom door is ajar. I always shut it when I leave. I drop my Jansport on the ground and flop down on my bed. Maybe a quick little nap would be good.

Seconds later I am in a deep sleep.

“This is she? The one we’re supposed to be so afraid of? No way.” A feminine voice entered the room with confidence and stealth.

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