Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five


              I lay in my bed thinking about him and his wings. Three nights ago he showed me his beautiful, angelic wings. If there had been any doubt that Alec is angelic it is gone now. Thinking back to that night sent shivers up and down my arms. Forever burned in my mind is the image of Alec’s golden skin showing contrast against his ivory wings that had shimmering flecks of gold. He looked like a painting that should be in Greece or Rome, somewhere not in Haven. Alec is too angelic to be stuck in Haven, going to high school and dating me or not dating me.

              I sighed and got out of bed. Maybe today I should skip school. This whole thing about dating and not dating turned out to be messier than either of us thought. At school we had to act like distraught friends because of Micah. Of course Becks is at a loss of what had happened between us. I hadn’t had time to explain to her because of course I have training every day. My life just gets more and more complex.

              After the shower I go to eat cereal and run into my mom. Her hair is in a messy bun and she has dark circles under her eyes. She said something yesterday about working on a big project, my mom works with the government on nature and tree’s rights as people, or something like that.

              “Oh Phin I’m glad you’re up I wanna run something past you, for work.” I glanced at the time and saw I had five minutes till Alec came to pick me up. I bit my lip.

              “Mom I’ll be late-

              “It’s important. Just read the first paragraph and tell me what you think the tone is.” She thrust the article into my hands. Three sentences in I’m already bored to tears, but I kept reading because my mom wanted me to.

              “It sounds… arrogant, but factual and you can tell you know what you’re talking about.” My eyes flickered over to the clock, three minutes now. She nodded and took her article back. She pulled the pen out that had been tucked behind her ear, and started marking up the article.

              “Mom, can I talk to you about something?” She looked up from her paper and paled when she saw my expression.

              “Oh God you’re not pregnant or something are you?” I blushed and felt my throat go both numb and dry.

              “What is it with everyone assuming that Alec and I are having sex?!” I yelled exasperated. It is annoying and embarrassing that our parents had such low expectations of us. Not that having sex or having a baby meant you were low or something, but Alec and I weren’t doing those things.

              “Calm down Phin I didn’t mean to offend you. I hope you’re not having sex because I would want you to tell me if you were. I wouldn’t be mad at you or Alec if you were. How could I be when I had a baby at sixteen.” She gestured for us to sit down at the kitchen table. I did because I knew this would be a long talk, meaning I would be late to school. I didn’t care at the moment.

              “I think you should be mad at me if I did because you’re the parent and you want what’s best for me. I understand that and that’s not what I wanted to talk about. Malachi doesn’t want Alec and I to date.” I had been desperately been wanting to tell my mom about the pretend break up between Alec and I but once again training had taken over my schedule. I didn’t mind training, but I really needed to talk to my mom and Becks. But if I didn’t train then there would be no talking to anyone.

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