Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

The whole time the movie is playing I is thinking about Pyralis and who he might be. My mom would have been sixteen. My mom is pregnant with me when she is sixteen. Pyralis could very well be my father. I wanted to bring him up to Alec, but what would he know about my father? Probably nothing. I also wanted to bring up the red-haired-intruder that my mom saw leaving my house late at night. I racked my brain of redheads that might be leaving my house. None came to mind. Which meant I should really tell Alec, my protector.

“Why wont you teach me?” I asked him as the credits rolled.

“Because that’s not my job.” He clicked the TV off and turned to stare at me.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you staring is weird?” I said and stuck out my tongue at him.

“No, no one did.” He chuckled.

“Well it is.” After that it is silent for a while. Silence is nice and I am glad it isn’t awkward. Silence is good sometimes. Silence is food for the soul.

“Do you ever think about your dad?” He asked me after a few minutes. I thought about this before answering, something I don’t often do.

“Yes and no. I didn’t before weird things started happening. Now I do.” He is quiet. “Do you think about your parents?” He looked at me and I saw Alec, but a smaller, pained version of Alec. One that missed his parents.

“All the time. Unless I’m with you.” He gave me a crooked smile and I forgot about what we talking about. We were lying so close together I couldn’t help the urge to kiss him. I leaned forward and gently put my lips onto his. One, quick kiss is enough to bring my fiery guest out and the large pool of lava that is running up and down my body. I ignored it as we kept kissing. The feeling of my fiery guest is overwhelming and building. I tried to pull back because I didn’t want to hurt him but he cradled my face and held me close to him. I couldn’t hold back any more and I let a few drops out, it is better, but I needed to release more. Slowly I let a little more out.

“Ow!” Alec yelled and sat up on the edge of his bed clutching his lip that is now red and swollen. Just then his door opened and Malachi came into his room. He looked at Alec and then me.

“What is going on?” He asked Alec but his gaze fell on me. It is obvious that I am not welcome. I sat up pulling my dress down past my knees. I suddenly felt very out of place.

“Nothing, we were just watching a movie.” Alec said he is irritated. Malachi looked at the blank TV.

“Doesn’t look like it. Micah is asking for you.” I started to get up to go with Alec, “No just him.” Deflated I sat back down. I bit my lip to stop it from trembling. I felt so weak around such a strong family.

“I’ll be right back.” Alec squeezed my hand for reassurance. I tried to remember that as Malachi stood, scowling down at me.

“You’re not good for him you know?” Malachi leaned on the wall. As if coming any closer to me with infect him.

“What?” Is he really saying this to me?

“He’s not good for you either. You guys wont mix.” Is this about what the Demon said?

“What do you mean?” There is so much I didn’t know.

“I mean that you and Alecander are from two very different family trees. No one will be happy to know Alecander and you are – fraternizing.” My stomach twisted.

“Alec makes me happy and I make him happy, what is so bad about that?” I am not trying to retaliate. It is an honest and sincere question.

“Seraphine, life isn’t about being happy. It’s about surviving and neither one of you will survive if you keep this up. It needs to end now, before things get messier.” Tears prickled the back of my throat. I tried to swallow them down, but it is harder this time maybe because my heart is breaking.

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