Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

              Dazed and confused I inched over to Alec. What the Hell had I done to him? We were just kissing and then boom, he had cried out in pain. The Fiery Guest must have had something to do with this. Gulping, I prepared myself for the worst.

              “Are you okay?” I stuttered and crept forward. He is clutching his arm to his chest and panting softly. He looked at me and I will never forget the look he gave me. Like I am a monster. Tears burned my throat and poured out of me uncontrollably.

              “W-what is that?” His voice cracked and I lost it. I jumped off the couch and gripped my hair. What is happening to me? What am I becoming? A Demon? Or is there something worse out there? I am definitely bad, evil, darkness. Alec stood up slowly, like he is approaching a lion. I cringed and tears his my shirt. I couldn’t live like this anymore.

              “I don’t know.” I blubbered like a demonic baby. I couldn’t look at Alec, but that’s all I could do: is look and stare at his wound a wound that I gave him. His whole left arm is covered in a range of blisters. There is a red outline of a hand, my hand, wrapping around his arm. I must have reached for him to make the fiery guest leave and I burned him. Malachi is right there is something really wrong with me and Alec isn’t going to survive this relationship. It is heart breaking but turning into a monster is a much worse feeling.


              “Stop.” I am shaking. I had no control over my body. I couldn’t help but stare at the blisters. Some were the size of pin drops and some were the size of nickels. I couldn’t believe I had hurt someone.

              “It’s okay. I’ll heal in a couple hours-

              I snapped. “Okay? Okay! None of this is okay Alecander! It’s not okay that I hurt people and can’t control it! It’s not okay that I hurt you! Twice now! That isn’t me biting you Alec that is I burning you! I can’t do this, just- just get out!” I yelled the last part. Crossing my arms over my chest so he wouldn’t touch me. I shouldn’t touch anyone, ever again.

              Alec looked pained at my words.

              “Phin, I know it’s hard, but really you’re doing a good job-

              Is he serious? He had blisters on his arm because of me. The crying continued and snot dripped down my face.

              “GET OUT!” I yelled fighting tears long enough to scream at him. I wanted to be alone. I didn’t want to see Alec or the blisters or another person unless they were burn-proof. I am a monster.

              Alec opened his mouth to say something but he closed it. He knew it is no use. He took a tiny step towards me like he is going to comfort me, and then he turned and walked out the front door.

              Malachi is right. Alec and me can’t be together, for Alec’s sake. Could I break up with Alec? I wanted to be with Alec so badly my chest ached. I tried to work on my fiery guest on my own and now I burned the only boyfriend I’ve had and now I have to break up with him. This sucks. And all I want to do is tell Becks but I cant because she wouldn’t understand. I don’t even understand.

              I sure wish Pyralis were here. I just have a feeling that he would know what to do and how to help. I need a father, or I needed a father. I would talk to my mom but she’s the most normal person I know. Her only secret, and abnormality, is my father, Pyralis.

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