Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Alec pulls up to an abandoned building. It gives me chills and flashbacks to Mara Port. I have never been to this building and it is in Haven. I have to admit that Haven has a lot more to it than I thought.

“This is it?” The sun is starting to set, giving the atmosphere a soft glow. It would be peaceful if we weren’t going to an exorcism. Alec takes the bag and went to the trunk of the car.

“Yes, it’s abandon and no one ever comes here: it’s perfect for this type of thing.” They have only been in Haven for a week and they have already set up shop in the exorcism business. It is beyond mind blowing.

“Everything will be okay Seraphine.” Micah tries to comfort me as we wait for Alec. Curious, I peak inside his trunk. I gasp: it is filled with all sorts of weapons and bottles of clear liquid.

“What is that stuff?” I ask pointing to the clear bottle.

“Holy Water, it really does work Malachi makes us drink a bottle every day. It makes it nearly impossible for us to be possessed. You should take some, oh wait- never mind.” I go to ask him what he means, but he walks over to Alec as if he has said too much. Things were just getting weirder and weirder by the second. Micah and Alec both have their hands filled and mine are empty.

“Can I help?” I need something to occupy myself. It seemed like neither of the boys want to part with their weapons and water.

“Here, you should have a weapon.” Alec hands me a dagger that looked too sharp to touch. I hesitate but take it anyways. The dagger is more deadly than I ever could be. I follow Alec and Micah inside the building.

The building smells like mildew and dead mice. It makes my insides crawl and knowing Becks exorcism would be held here does not help. I want to turn around and leave. I keep walking because Becks needs me. That, and it’s my fault she is possessed.

“Malachi is on his way.” Micah says to no one in particular. I blow out a breath. I can do this. I need to do this. If I can’t handle this, Alec won’t let me help anymore. And if he thinks I can’t handle this for one second, he won’t ever tell me the whole hundred percent truth.

“We need to set up.” Alec told Micah. I notice we have stopped walking. I look around. We are in a room in the center on the room is a single chair. There is wrist and ankle locks so whoever sat there would be restrained. I feel sick.

“Okay.” Micah and Alec move fast. By the time the nausea passed they were done. Micah turned his wrist to see the time on his watch, and nods to Alec. They act as if they could read each other’s minds.

“He’s here.” Alec walks over to me and holds one of my hands. “Malachi is a good man, just remember that. He’s harsh and blunt and- gruff. He’s old, but don’t let him get to you, okay? Can you do that for me?” How could anyone say no to those blue and yellow eyes?

I nod, “What is going to happen?” It is too late to back out. I trust Alec and I trust Micah and I even trust Malachi, a guy everyone seems to fear.

“Malachi will bring Becks in, she will probably be unconscious because he gave her a sedative. We’ll put her in the chair to restrain her. Then, Malachi will read from part of his book and that’s the hard part. Well not hard, but it’s difficult to hear. It’s not hurting Becks, it’s hurting the Demon inside her just remember that.” I make a mental note. “After he reads Becks will pass out. We’ll take the Holy Water and inject some into her bloodstream to make sure the Demon is completely gone.” I shake my head yes again. “When she wakes up she won’t remember anything. See, easy.” He sounds so confident like he has done this a million times.

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