Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

It is later than night when I tried to call Becks. She didn’t answer but minutes later she called me back. I am in the middle of boiling noodles, but I answered anyways.

“Ello?” I held the phone with my ear and shoulder as I stirred the Fettuccini.

“Hi. You called?” She sounded extra grumpy. Now that I helped Alec I needed to help Becks. I didn’t have to, but considering I blamed myself for Becks possession it is somewhat my fault.

“Yes I wanted to see how you are.” From the sounds of it she isn’t doing any better. Now I’m worried, since Malachi and Alec said she would be back to normal in a couple days. It’s been over a week now.

“Oh I’m okay I guess.” I heard Bentley crying in the background. Maybe it is too loud for her to sleep at night. I sighed. Helping Becks would be harder because she didn’t think she had a problem.

“I noticed you were sleeping in class today. And last week and-

“Yeah I’ve been extra tired lately. I’m sure it’s because finals are coming up.” Crap, I had completely forgotten that finals were next week. Is she right? Is she just stressed out about finals? But Becks is never worried about school.

“I dunno you were drooling on your notes.” I told her recalling the memory. No, it couldn’t be that she is extra tired lately. I had known Becks for sixteen years and not once (after third grade) had she fell asleep in class.

“I’m okay Phin. You should be worrying about Alec, not me.” I rolled my eyes. It is just like Becks to ignore her own problems. Speaking of Alec, I walked into my living room and checked outside to make sure he isn’t nearby. Actually, there isn’t a car on my whole block.

“Alec is better, you know why? Because he realized he had a problem and is working on fixing it.” I tried to hint.

“Phin, seriously I’m okay.” I sighed again. She is going to be harder to convince than Alec.

“If you’re sure-

“I am.” She is so damn stubborn.

“Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow – not falling asleep in class?” She groaned on the other end.

“Goodbye Phin, see you tomorrow!” Then she clicked the phone off. I turned on Pandora and hummed as I cooked. Mom would be home any minute and I would have a feast ready for her.

Still, as I got everything prepared my thoughts were still on Becks and her obvious problem. I am beginning to think it is a Demon-type problem. As much as I wanted to handle it on my own I know I cant. I need Alec’s help. I looked over at my phone and thought about dialing his number to come help. But that would be wrong. I couldn’t call Alec for everything. He is tired.

So I went to call Micah, but decided that it could wait till tomorrow. Becks wouldn’t be willing to have any help tonight anyways. She would think I am going behind her back. I don’t need her mad at me now.

No wonder everyone thinks I can’t handle anything. Maybe I can’t handle these things. I needed to limit the things I ask for help on. Becks also can’t know about the Descendants and my fiery guest. Last time I got her involved she is possessed with a Demon. I can do this on my own.

I made my mom a plate and placed it in the fridge. Then I grabbed my plate and laptop and started searching the web. I started with home remedies to sleep and then somehow found a Wicca website that had a potion for Demons-Soul. Demons-Soul is supposed to be for after you had a Demon inside of you. The website said that your body needed to be sanitized and cleansed after the possession. Malachi hadn’t said anything about a cleansing or sanitation.

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