Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Once inside the car Becks is back to being loud.

“Can you believe that? Dolores is a drug addict that-

“Hey. Don’t. For her moms sake, just don’t.” Becks nods and we decide to talk to Debbi before going to Mara Port. Of course Debbi doesn’t answer either of our phones. But like the popular people Debbi is, she posts on Facebook where she is: Starbucks on thirty-fifth street downtown it is just couple miles from Mara Port. How convenient.

“Debbi can we ask you a few questions?” She is sitting outside Starbucks at a table with two other girls that I recognized from H.H.

“It’s called soap and hot water, now get lost.” And the three girls start laughing. Becks takes a step forward like she is going to hit Debbi, but I push her back.

“It’s about Dolores Withers and her boyfriend from Mara Port.” Becks says loudly. Debbi’s eyes widen and she tells the other two girls to get lost. What a turn of events.

“What do you know about that?” She got up and took her sunglasses off. I noticed there is a scratch mark by her right eye.

“We know that Dolores was seeing someone and that you know who that was.” Could Debbi have killed Dolores? I don’t see a motive, but people do stupid stuff for stupid reason sometimes.

“I met him once, she didn’t tell me his name. I know it started with a D.” I could tell she knew more than she is saying.

“What did he look like?” Douglas could have been more than just a drug dealer to Dolores.

“Tall, blonde and I think blue eyes. I barely saw him it was late and I dropped her off at Mara Port.” Okay, we’re getting somewhere.

“Where did you drop her off?” Did Debbi know about Dolores drug use?

“Mara Port isn’t that big, bout as long as a boardwalk.” She is giving us attitude. We gesture for her to keep going. “Okay, it is this tall building right by the ocean. It’s abandoned but all the-

“What is it Debbi?” I ask her as she suddenly stops talking.

“Nothing. Anyways, I dropped her and that guy out there with some other people. They were having some kind of party.” She crosses her arms over her chest. She doesn’t want us to know about the drugs.

“You didn’t go to this party?” Becks asked Debbi.

“No, not my kind of crowd.”

“What kind of crowd isn’t your crowd?” She looks a way.

“Dolores was into some stupid shit.” She was mad at Dolores.

“Like what?” I press on. All I need is her to say it so she would be more open with us. Maybe if she knew we knew about the drugs she would tell us more.

“Drugs! Okay, Dolores was into Heroin. It was really bad.” Heroin? Her mom said she is into pills, she did find a needle in her room.

“So she went to Mara Port to get drugs, right? And this D-guy is her boyfriend and hook up?” Debbi looked disgusted.

“Yes, but this is all her dads fault! If he had kept it in his pants and not cheated on Dolores mom, she never would have gotten mixed in with the wrong crowd. She was trying to prove a point to him. He never told Mrs. Withers though. She’s dead – Dolores is dead and he’s acting like its not all his fault!” Debbi starts crying. Dolores dad was having an affair that led Dolores to do drugs? She was trying to get back at him and got in too deep? Is that why Mr. Withers won’t let his wife tell the police about the drug use? All of this is coming together.

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