Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

              School finally ended and I feel so relieved. Usually, I liked school but today really wore me out. I long for a nice long nap. The sun is still hanging in the middle of the sky, beaming down harsh rays, but it’s nice. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, so it’s a beautiful shade of blue above us. What is above the sky? Where are all the Seraphim, Cherubs, and Archangels that created us, the Descendants? Surely Malachi would know if he knew that the Archangel Michael is who his bloodline traces back to. Would he know the Seraphim that are connected to my bloodline? I’m sure my biological dad would know, Pyralis.  The name offers warmth, but not love, is that because I never met my father or because Pyralis is just a nice dream I’ve dreamt up.

              Shaking me from my thoughts, “I talked to Malachi and he says I can train you in combat, but with your Seraphim powers you’ll need a Seraphim teacher.” Alec told me with his shoulders slumped. I admit I’m a little disappointed that I wont be able to control my Seraphim powers, but even today they’ve been more controlled. I couldn’t even muster up a little flame to scare Bael, or is that because he is Bael and I didn’t see him as a threat?

              “That’s okay Alec, at least I’ll be able to defend myself.” I had to look at the bright side or I would drown in the storm. Would I be able to defend myself against a Demon if I felt threatened enough? I sure hope I would be able to because I doubt that is the last Demons that will come after me.

              “Yeah you’re probably right, but Malachi called an old friend of his and she’s coming to train you!” He exclaimed. I ran up to him and he picked me up and swung me around. The air tickled my bare arms. I’m going to have two trainers?

              “Really? Who? When? Where? How?” I stuttered out excitingly. This is great news, and I really needed good news. He put me down, and I looked up at him seeing his ecstatic filled expression. I’m excited too this is perfect timing too because Bael showed up. I almost tell Alec about Bael in the staircase, but I decide against he would just worry about it and there is nothing to worry about: Bael won’t hurt me.

              “Yes, and it’s his friend Wisteria I haven’t ever met her. Oh and she’s in Scotland right now, so I guess whenever she gets here. Um I’m guessing my house since you don’t want to tell your mom about-

              “Yeah no I can’t she would freak out.” He nods understandingly; I hope he would understand why I couldn’t tell him about Bael. He would definitely freak out about Bael dropping by for a visit. “Still, that’s really awesome! Will you thank Malachi for me? It’s really nice of him to go do that.” I meant it. I know Malachi and I had our differences in the past (and still do) but it’s really nice of him to overcome that and help me out.

              “You can yourself if you want. We can start training tonight, or tomorrow.” I bit my lip. I had yesterday’s home and today’s homework to do but there is nothing more I wanted to do than train with Alec. I guess I have the weekend to finish it, tomorrow. It’s Friday, I should go have fun training.

              “Lets go then!” I exclaimed enthusiastic. We walked the rest of the way to his car. I am finally going to learn how to defend myself. I tried to focus on how I am going to learn combat-stuff with Alec, but my mind kept going back to Bael and why he had come. Isn’t he just glad to be alive? If he had stayed the Fornix’s would have killed him and he would be in Hell trying to get back to Earth. Why would he come back to Haven and talk to me when he knows Alec is in the same building? Is he suicidal? And why is he so obsessed with finding out what I am? Why did it matter so much to him? I just wish all the Demons would leave me alone, including Bael.

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