Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

In the morning Becks sent me a text saying her mom is going to take her to school. I text her back saying she didn’t have to pick me up. I felt a little guilty that Becks mom had to take her to school because of the exorcism. Becks is too tired to drive. A new message popped up:

“Need a ride? –A” A as in Alecander? He is the only one that would be texting me besides Becks. I didn’t even have to think about his question.

Yes, I would deeply appreciate it. –S” I am almost ready. I just needed to slip on some shoes.

K. Be there soon (: .” I saved his number as “Alec” and threw on some random Chucks. Looking down I saw they were my red pair. I took two steps away from my phone and it buzzed.

Here (: “ How did he get here so fast? I grabbed a jacket and my backpack, and then yelled a goodbye to my mom who is at the breakfast bar with a bowl of cereal.

“Becks here?” I groaned and stopped with my hand hovering over the door handle.

“No, Alec is picking me up.” I started to open the door when my mom started talking to me.

“Alec? The boy from-

“Yeah, yeah the boy you saw leaving the house. Look, I’m sorry about that, but I really have to go. Nothing happened – I love you! Goodbye!” I exclaimed and shut the door before she could respond. It isn’t very mature of me. I blame Alec.

“Hey.” I said my breathing uneven. Today Alec wore a blue shirt and blue jeans. He almost looked like a normal hot guy, but I looked down and saw he still had his combat boots on. To some people, change is like pulling teeth.

  “Hi Phin. How are you on this beautiful morning?” I gave him a weird look. Why is he in such a good mood? “I’m sorry I didn’t come to your door, we were running late.” I hadn’t even thought about him coming to the door. Becks never did.

“It’s no biggie. I’m uh good. What about you?” I asked gesturing towards his apparel.

“It’s casual Friday.” I had never heard of “Casual Friday.”

“Uh huh.” I hope he knows there is a test today in math.

Alec pulled into a parking spot on the south wing. Becks always parked in the north wing, but I didn’t say anything. It meant we would have to run to class. I got out of the car and realized why Alec likes the south wing: his car is the only car in the parking lot. Maybe his fancy combat boots made him on time, but my Chucks wouldn’t suffice.

Becks is sitting in her usual spot with her head down on the desk, one arm draped around, cradling her head. I sat down, trying to shake her awake as a stream of drool made its way on her paper.

“Becks, you gotta wake up.” I cooed softly hoping she would wake up before Mr. Krasner got here.

“She shouldn’t be at school.” Alec whispered in my ear. Maybe I could talk her into leaving and getting some rest.

“What? I’m up, I’m awake.” She straightened in her chair looking around. She wiped the drool with the back of her hand. I gave her a cheerful smile but it is no use. She had dark circles under her eyes and she looked paler than usual.

“Are you okay?” Her eyes barely opened half way and kept fluttering shut.

“Yeah, totally okay. Super okay.” It is an unintentional lie. She is so tired she probably didn’t realize how tired she is. I should call her mom and have her pick her up.

Thankfully, lunch is after third period today and Becks agreed she would go home after lunch. I didn’t have fourth period with her but it is just an art class: she wouldn’t have homework. Fifth and sixth period we did have together: writing and reading. I told her I would give her the homework after school on my way home.

“How long will this last?” I asked Alec after Becks left. “Her being so tired.” He finished chewing his ham sandwich.

“Just a couple more days. By Tuesday she’ll be back to her normal self.” It is good the weekend is now. I knew Becks and I knew that her being tired is irritating to her. She wanted to be here: at school.

“Good. I miss her.” Suddenly, I am not hungry. I gave my sandwich to Alec and he ate it in a couple bites.

“Wow! What am I? Chop-liver?” We laughed as we walked to P.E.

Alec walked me to fifth period and then I am alone. I am walking to my seat when I bumped into someone and I almost fell to the floor. I caught myself and looked at whom I knocked into.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry I-

“It’s okay Phin. Are you okay?” It is Sampson. His brown curls were tousled from before. I stared into those brown eyes and felt myself swirling.

“Yeah I’m okay. I’m so-so sorry about that.” Of all the people to bump into I had to bump into Sampson. He smiled.

“Oh no it is my fault. I am not watching where I is going.” I nodded. I still felt bad for my being a klutz. “Hey I am thinking about when we went to Crispo’s.” I froze. Why is he thinking about last weekend? “

“You were?” I tried not to sound so shocked.

“Yeah and I is kicking myself for not getting your number.” He wanted my number?

“Oh.” Why did Sampson want my number? I couldn’t wait to tell Becks, but I am not really that excited Sampson wanted my number. In fact, I had forgotten about Sampson since Alecander moved here.

“Ha-ha so can I have your number?” It would be rude not to give him my number. Maybe he just wants to be friends. Friends have each other’s numbers.

“Uh huh yeah here it is.” I gave him my number that he automatically programmed into his iPhone.

“Thanks. Oh and Phin? Maybe next time I’m going to Crispo’s we can meet up. Or I can pick you up?” Oh he wanted to study. Studying is okay, everyone studied.

“Sure and we can study.” I said like I understood what he is talking about.

“Or we can just talk. You’re really easy to talk to.” Or maybe he didn’t want to study. What is happening to the world if Sampson wanted to go hang out with me?

“Sure.” I said and smiled, then shuffled off to my seat. He followed me.

The whole class he barely talked to me. It is bad, but I am secretly hoping he would move seats and forget this ever happened. I wonder if Alec ever feels like that with me?

Soon the class is over and I tried not to run out the door. I am halfway surprised when Alec appeared at the door. I started walking to Alec when I heard my name from behind me.

“Phin! Hey, wait up.” I made eye contact with Alec. I then realized why they all it eye contact. It’s so personal.

“You’re going to reading right? It’s next to my class.” I expected Alec to walk a way seeing that Sampson is going to walk me. But no, they were going to flank me down the halls. Totally embarrassing.

“Alecander.” Sampson said through clenched teeth but with a smile.

“Sampson.” Alec said with his arms crossed over his chest. They both were pretending to be nice, but Alec looked so menacing.

“Okay guys lets go.” I didn’t want to be late with both of them by me.

At Haven High the hallways were treacherous and very dangerous. It is sketchy walking next to another person, let along with a person on each side of you. Sampson and Alec acted like personal bodyguards that deflected anyone within a two-foot radius. I am surprised at how well Sampson kept up. He is several inches shorter than Alec and isn’t as built in the muscle department. He isn’t weak.

“Bye boys.” I walked into sixth period and left Alec and Sampson to wrestle it out.

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