Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

              I had forgotten how much Becks could shop. And how many things she tried on. The sign clearly said “6 items max,” but I watched Becks take twenty inside the dressing room. She made me carry six additional ones she is “iffy” on. I do have to admit that it is a great distraction from my obvious problems that were piling up.

              “This is the last store, I promise!” Becks said before she disappeared in the piles of clothes. I am not going to hold her to her promise because I didn’t want to go home and she is having fun.

              “It’s okay.” I told her as she came out wearing an outfit I would have never put together. She is wearing tie-dyed skinny jeans with a purple top and rainbow beads around her neck. I looked down at her shoes. She is wearing six-inch black pumps.

              “Do you think they’ll let me wear this stuff out of the store?” We shared a laugh. Becks could always make me laugh. So could Alec. I turned away from Becks and wiped a tear out of my eye. I am not going to do this right now.

              Becks bought her stuff and I walked around waiting for her. I inspected the array of nail polish that lined the shelves by the door. I picked up a random one and then became lost in my thoughts. I wonder what Alec thought about the burn. He had said he would someday tell me the big secret. What is that secret about me? What all did Malachi know? Malachi must know more than I do because he warned me about getting close to Alec.

              Becks walked over to me with her many shopping bags, “Ooh!” she grabbed the bottle from my hand and looked at the bottom where the name is. “Flashy Flames interesting.” She gave it back to me but I recoiled. She offered me a confused look and put it back on the shelf. I wanted to stay as far away from flames and fire as I could.

              I wish I could explain my freak out to Becks, but every thing is so complicated. It wouldn’t make sense. She started walking and I followed.

              “Do you want me to take you home?” Becks asked me as we walked to her car. The sun is setting. It is a little after five. I don’t want to go home because I would be alone till my mom got home.

              “Do you want to see a movie?” There is a cinema on the other side of the mall. I don’t even know what movies are out in theatres I don’t really care.

              She looked down at her bags, “I do, but I spent so much money right now I-

              I cut her off, “no it’s totally cool. We can leave.” She nodded and we got inside her car. The only thing I bought is blue t-shirt.

              My seatbelt made that click noise and that’s how long it took before Becks started hurling questions at me.

              “What is up? Something is up with you. Something you’re not telling me. Why are you so quiet and sad? Is it Alec? What did he do? Should I beat him up? Tell me.” She is eccentric, but she is my best friend and always so supportive.

              “Nothing is up.” She gave me a pointed look.

              “I wont start the car until you tell me what’s up.” She crossed her arms over her small frame determined.

              “Okay.” I took a deep breath. What do I tell her? “I uh- Alec and I got in a fight. Sorta.” Technically it isn’t a lie. We did fight and argue, but it is because I told him to leave and he didn’t want to. Sort of a fight.

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