Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“Can we talk now?” I asked him looking up at his tall stature.

“As much as I wish to delay this talk, I suppose it’s critical we jump this hurdle.” I lead him to the living room where big fluffy couches were. My bedroom is too personal.

“Okay. Cool.” I sit down on my favorite chair and cross my legs. The thought to offer Alecander something to eat or drink had just now occurred to me. “Do you want something to drink? God, sorry I’m an awful hostess.” I cringe at my own awkwardness.

“No thank you I’m okay.” I nod. Breathe Phin, breathe.

“Where do we start?” I am so close to the truth, but something inside me told me to flee, to run a way right now.

“I don’t know. I’ve actually never told someone this before.” He looked nervous. He raked his fingers through his hair, which I’m guessing is his telltale sign that he’s nervous.

“Really?” Is it really Vampires, for some reason I couldn’t believe that.

“Yeah, plus I don’t think my uncle would appreciate it if I told you our biggest secret.” I hadn’t realized this is a big secret. “What do you remember about last night?”

“Everything.” He sighed like this is bad news.

“Do you know what Todd and Malcolm are?” I don’t really, but Becks had a theory.

“Well I have this theory – or Becks has a theory: Vampires.” He looked at me to make sure I am serious and then he started laughing hysterically. I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms over my chest.

“Seraphine, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have laughed. You’re actually not that far off. They are Demons.” My stomach drops.

“You’re lying.” But I knew he isn’t.  “Demons are after me?” What did they want with me? I didn’t play Ouija boards or go into haunted houses to seek thrills. I am a good girl and didn’t do anything bad.

“For right now is it okay if that’s all you know? If you know anymore you’ll be in more danger.” This is too much. I thought Vampires were the worst possible option for Todd and Malcolm to be, but Demons – Demons are much worse.

“I’m in danger?” I stand up and start to hyperventilate.

“Seraphine it’s going to be okay everything will-

“It’s Phin! Why can’t you get it right? Everyone else can!” I yell at him. Alecander grabs me into a hug and just holds me as I rant. I’m not mad at him, I am mad at the Demons that are after me.

“Listen, you’re going to be okay. I’m serious I will give my life to protect you. Don’t ask why right now.” At this point I don’t want to know why. I shouldn’t have asked about Todd and Malcolm in the first place. I wish I is back to thinking that Haven is the safest place on the planet.

“Okay, I believe you Alec.” He smiled and I thought he is going to kiss me but he straightened his back.

“Alec, hmm that’s nice.” He murmured in his low voice.

“What happens now?” I ask him pulling away from his grasp. I don’t want to stop hugging him, but I am really scared about Demons coming after me.

“Now that you know you’re in danger I can protect you better. Sorry about last night. I am trying to stay at a safe distant for both of us. You shouldn’t have to worry about Todd and Malcolm anymore. I took care of them.” I open my mouth to ask what that meant, but I shut it knowing one: I don’t need to know and two: Alec won’t tell me anyways.

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